The Fermanagh Show held at Enniskillen in early August brought the Northern Irish Show season to a close and with it a clean sweep of breed and interbreed titles for Crawford Brothers, Rathkeeland, Maguiresbridge fittingly at this their local show.
Winning at Fermanagh was the seven-year-old cow, Clonlara Valance, sired by Grahams Samson and shown with her Sauvignon-sired calf at foot. She had previously stood Breed and Interbreed Champion at the Saintfield, Omagh, Newry, Castlewellan and Cloghervalley Shows.

The brothers’ Limousin bull, Sylvandene Defoe, had also been crowned Interbreed Champion at Armagh Show, prior to coming over to the National Limousin Show,Carlislewhere he stood Reserve Senior Male Champion.

Their Limousin heifer, Erne Ezabel, also enjoyed success at Omagh as Interbreed Heifer Champion and took the same title at Armagh where she stood Reserve Interbreed Champion to the aforementioned Defoe. She later won the All-Ireland Heifer Derby at Castlewellan Show as well as the NISA (Northern Ireland Show Association) Championship held at Cloghervalley Show where 20 heifers from all beef breeds (two from each show) pre-qualified for the NISA final.