At the well-supported annual dinner held at the Rosspark Hotel, Kells on Saturday 12th November members were congratulated on their achievements for 2011.
After a wonderful dinner Chairperson Joan Gilliland stated: “2011 has been a very positive year for the Limousin breeders in Northern Ireland not only with a good demand from both pedigree and commercial customers for quality cattle at the Society sales, but also on the show circuit.” Joan then spoke of some of the 2011 highlights for breeders.
She extended congratulations to Paul Brown, Rathconville herd, who achieved a record breaking 8,000gns in Dungannon in February and his success continued when he realised 17,000gns and 10,000gns in Carlisle that same month. To follow on in May at Carlisle James McKay, Ampertaine herd, setting a new record-breaking price for a Limousin bull, sold from Northern Ireland, when Ampertaine Elgin realised 32,000gns. John & Paul Rainey, Claragh herd, also had a successful trip achieving 24,000gns and 11,500gns.
Joan continued on to the next in the Limousin calendar, Balmoral Show, and again highlighted how proud the club was with exhibitors who represented theLimousinbreed taking Individual Interbreed Champion, Junior Male Interbreed Champion, Reserve Interbreed Group of Three and Reserve Interbreed Pairs.
Joan then went on to speak about the All Ireland Heifer & Bull Derby which was held in July at Castlewellan Show. For the first time the Heifer Derby was won by a Northern Ireland breeder, Raymond Crawford, exhibiting Erne Ezabel. Northern Ireland’s success continued with Michael Loughran & Family taking the Bull Derby with Millgate Fame. Standing in second place was Brian McElroy exhibiting Bridgeford Floyd, and in third place Barney O’Kane exhibiting Keadyview Francis. The success of all the club competitors in this competition resulted in the Northern Ireland Club picking up the Club points shield for the 5th consecutive year.

This year the British Limousin Cattle Society celebrated their 40th Anniversary and to mark the occasion fourNorthern Ireland breeders travelled to Carlisle to compete in the National Show: H Savage, D Hume, L Hood and R Crawford. H Savage & Sons experienced an outstanding achievement winning the overall championship with their heifer Trueman Euphonium. Raymond Crawford was also successful winning Reserve Senior Male Champion with Sylvadene Defoe.
The final highlight of this year prior to the Dinner only took place a few weeks ago in October at Carlisle. Here M Loughran & Family exhibited and sold Millgate Fame for a top price of 32,000gns and now share the record price for a bull sold fromNorthern Ireland with James McKay. Brian McAuley was also successful with Larkhill Firmount, which sold for 22,000gns, and Paul Brown took senior champion with Rathconville Flynn which realised 12,000gns.
Joan also mentioned the Northern Ireland Young Limousin Breeders’ Club who had celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Ulster Bank Young Handlers’ Competition and Calf Spectacular this year. Furthermore they hosted the Anglo-Irish Stockjudging Competition and the club are very proud of their young breeders with Joan wishing them every future success.
The Chairman stated that the club’s events and competitions would not be possible without the ongoing support of our loyal, generous sponsors. On the evening the club had representatives from Ulster Bank Ltd, Teemore Engineering Ltd, Thompsons Feeds, Smyth Steel, Northern Bank and Connon General Merchants all present at the dinner and gave a sincere thank-you to them all. Joan also thanked all the judges and breeders who participate and contribute to the success of club events to whom the club is sincerely indebted.
Finally Joan said: “I would like to thank the Northern Ireland Limousin Club’s President John Gordon, Club Secretary Heather Hume, and the executive committee for their support, hard work and dedication to the club. Last but not least, thank-you to the Rosspark Hotel and staff for the great dinner and service we have received tonight.”
Joan then passed over to club secretary Heather Hume to talk on behalf of our herd competition judge John Mclnerney, President of the Irish Limousin Society and give out the results as he was unable to attend the dinner.
Heather gave a speech on behalf of John McInerney where he spoke of the great privilege he felt went asked to judge the competition and how he had seen, without doubt, the best Limousin Cattle he had ever seen. In the judge’s words: “Within each of these there were some exceptional cattle which I would love to own” and “I found it very difficult to have to leave some herds and cattle out of the awards and would have loved to include more.” He mentioned how he had selected his overall winner, James McKay, and how impressed he was of the “fantastic herd of Limousin cattle”. His summary gave mention of the wonderful hospitality shown to him and how “the experience will live long” in his memory. Sam Coleman, Glarryford then stepped up to present the awards on behalf of our absent judge. Sam is the first President of the British Limousin Cattle Society who is a Northern Ireland member and it was an honour to have him present at this evening.

HERD COMPETITION RESULTS- Sponsored by McQuillan Envirocare
SMALL HERD – 1st Titchburn, D Murray, 2nd Fedneyhouse, J Adams, 3rd Claragh, J Rainey
MEDIUM HERD–1st Trueman, H Savage, 2nd Ballyrobin, J Gilliland, 3rd Ballynahone, R Henderson
LARGE HERD 1st Ampertaine, J McKay, 2nd Culnagechan, D Hume, 3rd Carmorn, F McAuley
Best Home Bred Heifer under 2 years –1st,Trueman Estelle, H Savage, 2nd Ballyrobin Fascati, J Gilliland, 3rdCulnagechan Eyecatcher, D Hume.
Best “F” registered young bull –1st Ampertaine Foreman, J McKay, 2nd Culnagechan Fantastic, D Hume 3rd Heathmount Foreman, McKinney Bros
Best Cow Family –1st Carmorn Penny, F McAuley, 2ndTrueman Song, H Savage, 3rd Robbstown Elizabel, J Gilliland
Best Group of “G” reg calves –1st Trueman, H Savage, 2nd Claragh, J Rainey, 3rd Culnagechan, D Hume
Best Group of “G” reg calves by one Stock Bull- 1st Culnaghechan, Carmorn Copilot, D Hume, 2nd Heathmount, Bailea Bullion, McKinney Bros, 3rd Glarryford, Teeshan Elmo, R Coleman
Best Stockbull – 1st Bailea Bullion, McKinney Bros, 2nd Carmorn Cantona, D Frew, 3rd Teeshan Elmo, R Coleman
Sponsors Ulster Bank Ltd and Teemore Engineering awarded trophies to the winners of the All Ireland Derby 2011:
Derby Bull Cup – M Loughran, Millgate Fame, and the
Derby Heifer Cup to R Crawford, Erne Ezabel.
Sponsor Northern Bank Ltd awarded the
Northern Bank Show Team trophy to R Crawford.
John Gordon, President of the NI Limousin Cattle Club then presented other prizes awarded for 2011:-
Gordon Bull –(Most Championships) – R Crawford
Irish Limousin Bull (Top Price Animal) – J McKay for Ampertaine Elgin and M Loughran for Millgate Fame, both bulls realising 32,000 gns.
Special Chairperson’s Award – Bryan McElroy for his dedication and hard work during his term as Chair from 2005-2011
Chairperson Joan Gilliland finished off the presentations with a gift to her Secretary Heather Hume and also presented the CHAIRMAN’s CRYSTAL VASE to Vice Chairperson, Christine Loughran, in recognition for all her help during 2011. The evening finished off with great entertainment and everyone had a great night.