The North West club held its open stock judging on Sunday 19th August at Procters Farm, Slaidburn.  A large turnout of both club members and local farmers took the opportunity to view the prize winning Procters herd in its impressive surroundings.  Competitors from as far afield as Derbyshire and North Wales tested their judging skills against master judges John and Clare Mason, owners of the Oddacres herd which is based near Skipton.   They had the task of placing 2 classes of cows, a class of young heifers as well as a class of sheep and for the really competitive there was also a prize quiz, milk the moo challenge and a guess the weight competition.  Tours of the farm were undertaken by those willing to brave the damp weather, giving them a chance to see some excellent progeny from stock bulls Haltcliffe DJ and Haltcliffe Vermount.  On behalf of everyone I would like to say thank you to Gary, Karen and their team of helpers for hosting such a successful stock judging in what has been a very testing year.  I would also like to thank the companies and suppliers who kindly donated prizes for the raffle.  Finally the North West club would like to thank Mr Moores for his generous support for the club and for agreeing to host the event.


Juniors                                       Score

  1. SETH BLAKEY             175
  2. IZZY HARTLEY             156
  3. JOE METCALF             155


  1. JULIE HARRISON         167
  2. JANET JOHNSON         161
  3. CAROL BENSON          158


  1. GRAHAM JACKSON      177
  2. KEITH HARRYMAN        176
  3. FRED SPURGEON         175