Gorrycam Hunter from Stephen Reel, Cullyhanna, Newry, Co Down made 28,000gns and lead the trade at the British Limousin Cattle Society’s October Sale held at Borderway Mart, Carlisle on Saturday 19th October. This July 2012 born bull, who had placed Reserve Junior Champion in the pre sale show, was purchased by the Dutch breeding company Cowporation, Postbus 4057, 2980 GB Ridderkerk, Holland. Gorrycam Hunter is an embryo calf by the noted sire Cloughhead Umpire and is out of the Sympathy sired Gorrycam Dolly. for Stephen Reel this was his highest price to date at Carlisle and surpassing the 26,000gns previously received for the similarly bred Gorrycam Hazzard in May 2012. Earlier in the sale, Cowporation had also purchased the Senior Champion, Withersdale Heros from DC&SR Wharton, Willow Farm, Mendham, Suffolk, for 17,000gns. This bull, male champion at the Royal Norfolk Show, is an AI calf by Sympathy and out of the Wilodge Vantastic sired Withersdale Didi. In all, four bulls were sold for export with two bulls going to new buyers from Denmark.

The second highest priced bull in the sale was the 19,000gns Crossdykes Hercules from James Common & Son, Crossdykes Farm, Lockerbie. This bull had stood second in his class to the day’s top priced bull. Crossdykes Hercules is by Culnagechan Bullseye and is out of the homebred Crossdykes Celia. Purchasing this June 2012 born bull was the joint partnership of Neil Barclay, Harestone, Aberdeenshire, and Balfour Baillie, Tankerness, Orkney. The pre sale show Judge was Mr Michael Cursiter who runs the Lagas Herd at Laga Farms Ltd, Arwick, Evie, Orkney.

The sale overall saw 76 bulls sell for an average of £6,322 which was up by £14 on last year with the sale seeing a 66% clearance. 10 bulls in all made 10,000gns or over.
Full report to follow.