South East Limousin Breeders Club 2013 Report


The spring saw a busy start to the South East region’s year, launching our new website which is linked to our Facebook page ‘south east limousin cattle club’. During the summer, our members exhibited at the local county shows promoting the Limousin qualities to commercial farmers within our region which continued into the round of fatstock shows.

September saw our Herd Competition presentation and BBQ kindly hosted by Burden Bros on the Isle of Sheppey. There was a good turnout of pedigree and crossbred breeders all of whom were amazed by the sheer scale of the layout. There are 820 beef cows sired predominately by Limousin bulls running on 3,500 acres of conservation ground with the intention of increasing to 1,000 cows which will all calve outside in corals as they do at present with an additional 25 ‘mothering pens’ in case of any problems .There are 3 men who look after the herd during the year but at calving extra staff are employed. The livestock forms part of the Burden Bros enterprise with the John Deere dealership, combine spares and Burdon Bros Agri.

On behalf of all our members in the south east I would like to take the opportunity to pay tribute to Guido Delis who sadly passed away at home on 12th September 2013. He was widely known in the agricultural community predominately for his world class pigs but recently he owned a small team of Limousin crosses exhibited by Nichola Osgood.  At Hailsham, the small team of one steer and two heifers achieved; 1st and male champion, 4th and 2nd with the heifers, reserve champion heifer and overall reserve and sold for 4.10kg, 2.80kg and 2.45kg.


Results 2013 SELCC Commercial Herd Competition


Judges : John & Mary Reynolds

Small Herd

1st  Mandy Woolgar

2nd Mr & Mrs Clutterbuck

3rd John & Mu Lampshire


Large Herd

1st Tim Piper

2nd Stratton Farms

3rd Burdon Bros


Overall champion herd Tim Piper  Reserve Mandy Woogar



1st Andrew Holt 038

2nd Tim Piper 2778

3rd clutterbuck 500165



1st Tim Piper  2700

2nd lampshire 610

3rd Woolgar  671


Results 2013 SELCC Pedigree Herd Competition

Judge; Dorinda Dixon

Small herd; 1st Stratton farms

Medium herd; 1st Gotham, 2nd Wealden 3rd Thorndean

Large herd; 1st Castlethorpe, 2nd Applesham

Best working stock bull; 1st Stratton Ronick Duty, 2nd Thorndean Rosecroft Dazzler, 3rd Applesham Gotham Governer.

Best bull calf; 1 st Strattons Indigo, 2nd Castlethorpe Ian, 3rd Gothamm Ideal.

Best yearling bull; 1st Gotham Harbinger, 2nd Strattons Hales, 3rd Wealden Hugh.

Best cow and calf; 1st Gotham Buttercup and Gotham Inspiration, 2nd Strattons Verona and Stratton Indigo, 3rd Wealden Fancy and Wealden Izzy.

Heifer 2 yrs; 1st  Gotham Goddess, 2nd Strattons Ghost and 3rd Castlethorpe Gilly.

Yearling heifer; 1st Wealden Highness, 2nd Gotham Harmony, 3rd Strattons Hambo.

Overall champion; Gotham

Reserve champion; Stratton