At the conclusion of Limousin judging on the first day of the 2014 Royal Welsh, the French-bred bull Diamant from Paul Dawes emerged as Overall Champion. Standing Reserve was Brockhurst Bolshoi from Doug Mash.

Doug Mash also took the Reserve Male Champion with Brockhurs Hardnut. Best Junior Bull was Dyfri Idris from D G & M J Edwards & Son with another Dinmore animal, Dinmore Immense from Paul Dawes standing Reserve Junior Male.
Reserve Overall Female to Brockhurst Bolshoi was Dinmore Glorious again from Paul Dawes. Junior Heifer Champion was Foxhillfarm Izzy brought out by Mike & Melanie Alford with Keadyview I from Steven & Katrina O’Kane standing Reserve Junior female.
Full report to follow along with Natwest Team of Five, Fitzhugh Pairs and other interbreed results.