- 91 Bulls average £5539.62
- 3 Bulls at 20,000gns and over, 7 at 10,000 and over
Haltcliffe Imperial from Messrs Ridley, Haltcliffe, Hesket New Market, Wigton, made 28,000gns and topped the trade at the British Limousin Cattle Society’s February Show and Sale held on Saturday February 14th at Borderway Mart, Carlisle. An embryo calf, Haltcliffe Imperial is by Ampertaine Elgin and is out of the highly noted dam Cloughhead Romany. August 2013 born, this calf had placed as Reserve Junior Champion in the pre sale show judged by Eric Gethin of the Camlas Herd at Cwmcaebitra, Newtown, Powys. Purchasing the top price bull was Procters Farm Ltd for their Procters pedigree herd at Slaidburn, Nr Clitheroe.

It was a terrific couple of days for Eric & Elaine Norman, Little Orton Farm, Carlisle who from a fine pen sold two bulls at 22,000gns and 20,000gns respectively and seven in all to gross 68,000gns! At 22,000gns was Norman Inventor. This October 2013 born bull, who stood second in his class to the Norman’s Junior Champion, is by the herd’s prolific sire Claragh Franco and is out of the Heathmount Trojan daughter Norman Crystal. This bull went for export when sold to Michael Phillips, Doon West, Gurteen, Co. Sligo, Eire.

At 20,000gns was the Norman’s Junior Champion & Overall Supreme Champion Norman Infusion, another by Claragh Franco. Also October 2013 born Norman Infusion is out of the Glangwden Bigboy daughter Norman Elsie. Purchasing the Champion was James Tennant Ltd who run 150 suckler cows and the Lissett pedigree herd of 20 cows at Manor House Farm, Bridlington, East Yorkshire.

In all, seven bulls made 10,00gns and over with 33 making 5000gns and over.
- Lot 210 17,000gns Trueman Idol to K.I. Jones, BETWS-Y-COED, Gwynedd
- Lot 204 12,500gns Trueman Iglesias to JW & ME Fieldson, Poplar Farm, Lincolnshire
- Lot 218 12,500gns Millgate Invest to K Watret, 25 Northfield Park,ANNAN,Dumfriesshire
- Lot 117 10,500gns Goldies Informer to DAN TYNAN, BEECHHILL FARM, CO LAOIS, EIRE
- Lot 144 9000gns Maraiscote Ingemar to S J Smith, Sunnyhill Croft, TURRIFF, Aberdeenshire
- Lot 162 9000gns Tweeddale Irnbru to R & J Temple, Wyliehole, Tundergart, Lockerbie
- Lot 164 9000gns Swarland Black Igolo to Robert Neill, Upper Nisbet Farm, Jedburgh
- Lot 190 8800gns Loosebeare Ivanhoe to D J Macarthur, Mid Fleenas, NAIRN
- Lot 195 8000 Whinfellpark Impressive to RP&DL Hutchinson Ltd, Greenhill Farm, Barnby Road, Balderton, NEWARK, Nottinghamshire
- Lot 166 7500gns Gunnerfleet Imortal to Denis Cadzow & Co Ltd, Duncrahill Farm House, Pencaitland,East Lothian.
- Lot 179 7500gns Hackney Black Idpea to LH Attewell & Ptnrs, Chapel Farm, Undy, Gwent
- Lot 235 7500gns Norman Ionesco to Dowson & Sartin, Battle Hill Farm, Lartington, BARNARD CASTLE,County Durham
23 senior bulls £4231.96
37 intermediate bulls £5369.19
31 junior bulls £6713.23
91 bulls overall £5539.62