- Averages up on the year by £393 to £4945 for 40 bulls
- Clearance rate of 67%
- 14 bulls at 5500gns or more
- Allanfauld Ludo lifts Overall Championship
The May 2015 born Goldies Lancelot from Bruce Goldie, Townfoot, Mouswald, Dumfries made 8500gns to lead the British Limousin Cattle Society’s Sale held at the Stirling Bull Sales on Monday 17th October 2016.
Lancelot is from the first crop of calves by the herd’s stock sire Foxhillfarm Irishlad offered at sale. He is out of the remarkable and prolific dam Goldies Vitality, described as the ‘backbone of the herd’, and the dam of many leading bulls including Goldies Comet and Goldies Goldfinger. This is the second year in a row that the Goldies herd has led the October Stirling Sale, following on from the 13,500gns Goldies Jogger in 2015, with both bulls being out of Goldies Vitality.

In the pre-sale show judged by Johnny Aitken who runs the Carnew herd at Dromara, Dromore, NI, Goldies Lancelot had placed as Overall Reserve Supreme Champion and Reserve Junior Champion. Further Goldies bulls sold for 6000gns and 4000gns respectively. The Goldies herd also topped the offering of females later in the day when the Goldies Fantastic sired heifer Goldies Jackie, November 2014 born, made 5000gns.
Taking the second top bull price of 8200gns was Spittalton Lewis from local breeder Andrew Burnett, Upper Spittalton, Blair Drummond, Stirling. From a big team of bulls the March 2015 born Spittalton Lewis is by Maraiscote Gigolo, a Goldies Comet son, and is out of the Dyfri Tanner sired Spittalton Erica. In all seven Spittalton bulls sold to gross 37,400gns with further prices attained including bulls at 7200gns and 6500gns. On the previous evening at the Scottish Limousin Club AGM and Prizegiving, the Spittalton herd had picked up the award for the best Limousin herd in Scotland.
The sale, driven by commercial producers, saw forty bulls average £4945 up by £393 on the year and with a 67% clearance. Fourteen bulls in all made 5500gns or more. Over seventy two hours 133 Limousin bulls sold between the sales at Stirling and Carlisle respectively which is six more than on the corresponding 2015 sales.

Full report and buyers to follow……