A HEIFER with an already impressive show career rose to the top of the Limousin classes at the Great Yorkshire Show on Tuesday 7th July, when Mike and Melanie Alford’s Foxhillfarm Naomi was crowned Supreme Champion having already claimed the Female Championship.
Fresh from her breed title and Reserve Inter-Breed honours at the Royal Highland Show just a couple of months previously, the 26-month-old daughter of the 140,000gns Trueman Jagger was the pick of Stephen Priestley, of the Brontemoor Herd near Brampton, Cumbria. Naomi remains unbeaten in her class and marked an impressive fifth breed championship at Harrogate for the Alfords, and followed on from standing Inter-breed Champion at Devon and the Royal Cornwall Shows. Her dam, Foxhillfarm Isla, has some impressive breeding too as the Wilodge Vantastic daughter is out of the prolific brood cow, Bankdale Alice. Naomi was later short-listed for the Supreme Inter-breed Championship.

Females ruled supreme as the Reserve Female Champion, Mystyle Nandini from the Richardson family – John and Dawn together with son Ben, and paraded by Ben’s girlfriend Hannah Brown – stepped forward to claim the Reserve Overall Championship. This 19-month-old daughter of Carnew Lionheart, which stood Champion at North Yorkshire County, was achieving a best ever result at the Yorkshire Show for the Richardsons, who were making just their third appearance in the pedigree ring having bred many commercial winners. Her dam is the Loosebeare Fantastic-sired Aultside Lambrini, which was bought at the 2015 National Sale for 9800gns.

Among the males it was Barrons Oslo from second time exhibitor Willie Barron that claimed the Male Championship to follow on from his male honours at Northumberland and reserve male title at Cumberland. The pedigree of this 16-month-old features Homebyres Jamie on to Barrons Icho, a Cerberus daughter.

From the previous class, Ian Nimmo’s Maraiscote Ocean, a second prize bull from the Royal Highland Show, was Reserve Male. Born just a month earlier than his rival, this son of the 23,000gns Goldies Comet, which has bred bulls in excess of 30,000gns, is out of the Maxchoice Chris-sired Maraiscote Jolene.