Good morning and a very warm welcome from a bright and sunny, although somewhat chilly Carlisle., to everyone joining us for the very first LIVE videostreaming of a British Limousin Cattle Society premier Bull Sale here at Harrison & Hetherington’s Borderway Mart, Carlisle. Whether you are joining us from the UK, Europe or beyond we hope that you enjoy the coverage we have lined up for you today.
You can access the live video link by clicking HERE and we will be blogging live throughout the sale keeping you up to date with each lot as it goes through the sale ring.
As can be seen from previous blog entries our Judge Stuart Fotheringham made Garnedd Ffrancon his Overall Male Champion and Heathmount Frenchconnection his Reserve at the pre-Sale Show and along with the other section champions we are looking forward to seeing how they and the other bulls entered fair in the sale ring. A short video clip of the judging yesterday can be viewed here. The number of bulls going forward today is 149.

The sale is due to commence at 10am and live coverage will start shortly before that, your comments on the blog and views of the live coverage are eagerly anticipated.