Schedule & Timetable
Thursday 28th July: | 12 noon | Arrival of Stock commences. |
Friday 29th July: | 9.00 am | All show cattle must have arrived at Carlisle |
9 – 11 am | Weighing of Commercial cattle commences | |
10am – 4pm | National Open Day, Haltcliffe | |
3.30pm | Haltcliffe Sale (within Open Day) | |
7 – 7.30 pm | Exhibitors briefing | |
7.30 pm for 8.00pm | National Show Dinner, The Shepherds Inn, Carlisle | |
Saturday 30th July: | 8.00 am9.00 am | Show opensJudging of Pedigree Cattle commences |
9.00 am | Judging of Commercial Cattle commences | |
2.00pm | Open Young Limousin Breeders Stockjudging Competiton | |
5.00 pm | Judging concludes and Show ends | |
6.00 pm | Stock Departure | |
Sunday 31st July | 10.00am | All cattle to have left Borderway Mart |