November 2nd – 9th 2014

 In what is sure to be a spectacular event in one of the world’s iconic beef producing countries, the Argentine Limousin Breeders Association will host the 21st International Limousin Congress in Argentina, on November 2-9, 2014.

A promotional video giving a taste of what is to come can be viewed at HERE

Commenting the Argentine Limousin President, Carlos Odriozola, said:  “This major challenge will give us the chance to show you, with sincere pride, our Argentine Limousin, as well as the production of our outstanding farms in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fé and Córdoba”.

Amongst other activities, the Congress will visit breeding establishments in the Salado River Basin, wintering farms in the west of the province of Buenos Aires and the south of Santa Fé, feedlots and traditional Limousin pure bred establishments.

A conference on technical issues will be held on November 5 in the city of Rosario. Presentations by national and foreign speakers will discuss state of the art developments in genetics and Limousin production in Argentina and around the world.

Nearing the end of the week, the Congress will visit the city of Jesús María and its National Limousin Show to be held at the Rural Society of that time-honoured town in northern Córdoba.

Rich in its breed history, Argentina is actually the second oldest Limousin herdbook in the world with its establishment having been helped by the late Msr Louis De Neuville.  Interest from the UK has already been considerable with the Society having received as many as thirty notes of interest.

Keep an eye on and also for more information.  It is intended that full details of the event including opening /enrolment dates and costs will be published soon. Tourist information will also be available through the designated travel agency, “Nature Style”, on pre-and post- tours in Argentina.