South East Regional Club Report 2010


The Chairman and Secretary, John Reynolds and Karen Whiting, continued in the same roles for 2010, along with Roger Brown as Treasurer to the South East Limousin Cattle Club. This year we gained a new committee member Mr. Jonathan Stacey from Castlethorpe Limousins who will hopefully be continuing for many years to come, alongside the original team!

The summer herd competitions for the South East Limousin Club were a huge success, with the Pedigree Competition being judged by James Cooper from Tomschoice Limousins and for the seventh consecutive year the Commercial Herd Competition, which attracts a wide range of entries from within the South East area was judged by Mr. Paul Gentry from Newark Livestock Market.

The results this year did have a few new surprises, with one of our newer members winning the Small Herd Pedigree Class: Mr. Simon Harrow from Waterfield Limousins who also won the Best Cow & Calf Class with Miscombe Petit with Waterfield Extra by Sympa.

The overall winning herd in the Pedigree Competition for 2010 receiving the Chris Lomas Memorial Plate was for the fifth year Buriton Estates.  James Cooper commented about Buriton at the Award Evening: My first placed herd had some very high quality females with real shape and size. This is a very well managed, very tidy farm of generous proportion. Whichever field we visited had high quality stock and I was particularly impressed with the stock bull and his progeny.’

The Reserve Overall Herd went again to Mr. Brian Baker (Wealden Limousin) and Mrs. Davis (Gotham Limousin) jointly.

This year, the Commercial Competition results took a new twist as well, with Nick Bates from Sutton Valance in Kent, coming out as a new member for 2010 and gaining 3rd in the Best Heifer Class, and 2nd in the Large Herd Class.  The overall winning herd for the 2nd year in 3 was Stratton Farm with Reserve Overall Commercial Herd going to John & Mu Lampshire of Castle Farm, Hertfield, who also won the Best Heifer Class this year for the 3rd consecutive year.

The shows season in the South East had a successful start for Sue Watson (Thorndean) with Heathfield Show, and first prizes in the Cow, Heifer, Bull & Group of Three Classes, Sue continued this success at the Kent Show, and Edenbridge & Oxted in 2010.

Our 2010 Herd Competition Awards Evening in October was held this year at Lackham College in Wiltshire, hosted by the delightful Philip Steans the Estate Manager, we were also honoured that some of the South West members were able to make it for the enjoyable and informative trip around the college’s agricultural enterprises, especially the impressive Limousin herd.  Our thanks go to the team at Lackham for a fantastic day out, and the wonderful spread they put on for us afterwards, we would also like to thank James Cooper who travelled ‘down south’ again to come to the Awards Evening and present the winning pedigree herds with their prizes.

The 2010 Winter Shows have already kicked off at the time of writing this, with Sarah and Jason Wareham (Tottingworth) having a fantastic South of England Primestock Show, taking the championship for the 2nd year running, also in the winner’s enclosure for 2010 was Sue Watson (Thorndean) with the Champion Pure Limousin & Reserve Champion Heifer.

Once again the committee would like to thank all the herds that took part in the competitions this year, and we hope that the 2012 competition will be equally as successful.

Have a look at our web site for more information