The Summer Spectacular held at Balmoral on 26th August 2011 on behalf of the Northern Ireland Commercial Cattle Exhibitors’ Club saw a clean sweep of titles for Limousin bred cattle.
Thirteen-year-old Bartley Finnegan from Dungannon scooped the Supreme Championship with his Limousin heifer Drumflugh Lady under judge and well-known showman Mike Alford, Devon. Tipping the scales at 437 kilos this October 2010 born heifer was purchased from Southern Ireland earlier in the summer.

Standing in the Reserve spot was Rockafella bred and exhibited by James Alexander, Randalstown. This Hightown Cassius son weighed in at 408 kilos on the day and had earlier picked up the Male Championship and Reserve Limousin Championship.
Nigel & Sandra Cochrane brought out their Goldies Oswald daughter Gigglebizz to lay claim to the Reserve Calf Championship. This smart heifer weighing 258 kilos is out of the 2009 Dunbia Butcher’s Champion also bred by the Cochrane duo.
Banbridge butcher Jim Quail stepped into the judging ring to place the Dunbia Butcher’s Heifer Championship which accepts entries between the weights ranges of 480 to 540 kilos. Standing top of the line was the father and son team of Dermot and Gareth Small, Kilkeel with their Limousin heifer Red Lace. Sired by an imported French bull and out of a British Blue heifer, she is destined for the Scottish Winter Fair and Smithfield later in the year. The Butcher’s Champion then teamed up with her stable mate, a Limousin steer by Shatton Pedro, to secure the Pairs Competition.
Pearce McNamee travelled from County Donegal to place the breed championships at the Summer Spectacular. Alastair Crawford and Richard Beattie lifted the Limousin Championship with their heifer Red Ruby. James Alexander was Reserve Female Champion with the Carmorn Cantona daughter, Pippa.

Paul Faulkner, Ringsend celebrated winning his first-ever championship in the commercial rings at Antrim Show on 23rd July 2011 with his Limousin heifer Black Beauty. This is the first year that Paul has shown commercial cattle, and he is well and truly “bitten by the bug” having notched up a number of prizes this season. Judge was Packie Donnelly, Ballymena.

A bumper selection of commercial cattle at Omagh Show on 1st July 2011 saw a homebredLimousin heifer beat off stiff competition to lay claim to the Supreme Championship on behalf of John McSorley. The Champion is by a Mas du Clo-sired bull that is used in their 100 cow suckler enterprise.
The reserve award under Judge John MacGregor went to Red Ruby, another super Limousin bred heifer presented by Alistair Crawford and Richard Beattie.