The Northern Ireland Limousin Cattle Club has announced that the All-Ireland Derby Competition will continue into its sixth year – but with a new twist. This competition is a successful cross-border initiative between the Irish Limousin Cattle Society and the Northern Ireland Limousin Club and over the years many Derby winners have gone on to excel at both shows and sales. Last year’s winner of the Bull Derby, Millgate Fame, bred by Mr M Loughran, Cookstown, Co Tyrone went on to sell for 32,000gns –equalling the top price for a pedigree Limousin bull sold from N Ireland at the time.
Following a review of the Derby’s format by the respective organisations, it has been decided to change the format slightly for the competition for 2012. Unlike previous years there WILL BE NO QUALIFIERS and instead entries will go straight to the final which is scheduled for Elphin Show in Co. Roscommon on Saturday 1st September. It was also decided to SPLIT each category into two classes with a Championship for each category.

Hosted by the Irish Limousin Cattle Society, a warm welcome is extended to breeders and supporters of this prestigious competition which has been closely fought between North and South over the years with both sides gaining Bull and Heifer Championship honours. In the points competition, however, the Northern Ireland Limousin Club has won the Points Shield consecutively for the last 5 years.
As in previous years it would be impossible to stage this competition without the generous contribution of our sponsors. Long-standing sponsors Teemore Engineering, Derrylin have this year been joined by Connaught Gold, Trouw Nutrition International, DSM, Alltech and Elphin Show.
The classes for 2012 All Ireland Derby are:
Class 1 Bull born between 1st January 2011 and 31st July 2011.
Class 2 Bull born on or after 1st August 2011.
Class 3 Heifer born between 1st June 2010 and 30th June 2011.
Class 4 Heifer born on or after 1st July 2011.
Prize fund (per class): 1st €250, 2nd €200, 3rd €150, 4th €100, 5th €80, 6th €50. From these classes an overall Champion Male and Female Champion will be selected. For entry forms & rules can see below, download from o or by contact NI Club Secretary Heather Hume on 07850603023.