The Northern Ireland Limousin Cattle Club, in conjunction with Linden Foods of Dungannon, are delighted to announce a Limousin Carcase Competition to be held at Linden Foods, Dungannon on Tuesday 5th March 2013.
Club Chairman Derek Frew commented: “The Northern Ireland Limousin Club is delighted to have the opportunity to work alongside Linden Foods in order to highlight the many qualities of the Limousin breed and especially its ability to consistently produce carcases that meet the demands of supermarket specification.”

The competition will be open to all Limousin-bred cattle and judging will take place across four classes. There will be two classes for young commercial Limousin crossbred animals, with a class each for steers and heifers. The animals in these classes must be under 30 months and fall within the weight range of 260 to 380 kilos, and be farm quality assured.
As a special incentive to support the competition, and to illustrate the importance of producing carcases that meet supermarket specifications, Linden Foods’ Frank Foster has stated that they will pay an additional 6p per kilo on all suitable Limousin cattle that are entered for the competition and fall within the above weight limits on the day.
There will be a further two classes for cows: one for purebred registered cows and one for Limousin crossbred cows. There will be no age restriction on the cows. In addition, there is to be a special class and award for the producer who slaughters the oldest Limousin purebred or Limousin -cross cow on the day of the competition.
Each class will have a first, second and third prize consisting of £200, £100 and £50 respectively.
William Waugh, Linden Foods’ Procurement Director, when invited to comment, noted that based on his many years of experience in the beef industry, halfbred and three-quarter bred Limousins have the advantage of excellent conformation, good killing-out percentages and consistently-high yields of saleable meat.
For further information, please telephone Heather Hume, NI Club Secretary, on 07850-603023
Please note, any interested parties MUST book their animals into the Carcase Competition before closing 3.00pm Friday 1st March 2013 by phoning one of Linden Foods’ livestock buyers – either Brian Lynn (07831-296834) or David Lyons (07850-341977).