Mrs Kay Adam, Newhouse of Glamis, Glamis, Forfar has been appointed as the new President of the Young Limousin Breeders’ Club (YLBC).

Kay took over from James Cooper, Hill Top Farm, Dacre, Harrogate at the YLBC AGM held at Carlisle’s Borderway Mart on 12th December 2013 and will serve the customary two-year term of office.
Well-known in Limousin pedigree circles, running the noted Newhouse Herd together with husband Bob and boys Andrew (15) and James (13), Kay is herself a former Chairman of YLBC – although this was as Kay Fotheringham before she got married.
Young Limousin breeders are active in all regions of the United Kingdom. Under the national structure of the YLBC and its office bearers, events are organized at both UK and local level with the assistance of the British Limousin Cattle Society and its nine associated regional clubs. Varied events held in the year include: National Young Breeders’ Stockjudging, Anglo-Irish Stockjudging, Young Handlers Championship and social events. An increasing programme of activities such as courses in preparing, halter training, clipping, showing cattle, and general stock knowledge, has seen membership increase by over 50 during the last year.
Commenting on her appointment, Kay Adam said: “I’m delighted and honoured to have had my name put forward for this exciting role and look forward to my time as President. It is so important to help and support youngsters to get involved in agriculture and to nurture the farmers of the future. Over the next couple of years, I will do my very best to work with Young Limousin Breeders the length and breadth of the UK to help to stimulate not only knowledge and skills, but also encourage a life-long enjoyment and interest in livestock.”
Also at the AGM, Willie McElroy, Aughnaskeagh Road, Dromara, Dromore, Co Down, Northern Ireland was re-elected for a third year as Chairman. He said: “It is an immense privilege to continue as Chairman and it gives me great pleasure to welcome Kay Adam as our new President. Without doubt, Kay will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Young Limousin Breeders’ Club.”

Current YLBC Officials:
Chairman Willie McElroy, Northern Ireland
Vice Chairman Kirree Kermode, Isle of Man
Secretary Tom Illingworth, Lockerbie
Assistant Secretary Stephanie Dick, Stirling
Sponsorship & Promotion Richard Priestley, Cumbria
President Kay Adam, Forfar