46 Bulls average £3605.38, up by over £100
90% clearance rate
Six bulls make 5000gns or more
Coachhouse heifer makes 5000gns
Two bulls at 7000gns led the way at the 10th Anniversary Limousin Day Show and Sale held at Newark Market on Saturday 12th April 2014.
The first of these was Millington Hampton, the pre-sale show Supreme Champion, from Millington Limousins Ltd, The Grange, Millington, York. This bull, an embryo calf, is by Wilodge Vantastic and is out of the Ronick Matador sired Brockhurst Option. May 2012 born and with a Beef Value of LM+42, Millington Hampton had emerged as the Intermediate Champion before being tapped up as the Supreme Champion by judge for the day Eric Norman of the noted Norman Herd at Little Orton, Carlisle. Commenting on his Champion, Eric Norman said: “This bull had plenty of power and was really well put together. He had good shape, was naturally muscled, and had very good locomotion”. Purchasing the joint top price was Gascoines Group, Church Street, Southwell, Notts.

Also at 7000gns was Coachhouse Hathaway from Messrs Heald & Co, Home Farm, Grove, Retford, Notts. June 2012 born this bull had placed as Reserve Intermediate Champion to the eventual Overall Supreme. Coachhouse Hathaway is by Overthwaite Cracker and is out of the Haltcliffe Hercules daughter Coachhouse Rouge. This bull was bought by GP Mayo, Maidford House Farm, Maidford, Towcester, Northants.

Established in 2004, the Limousin Day sale has grown to the point where the 2014 catalogue saw some 635 head of pedigree and commercial Limousin cattle for sale. The pedigree bull trade saw 46 of the 51 bulls forward sell representing an excellent 90% clearance and to an average of just over £3600, up by over £100 on the year.
Other top prices:
Lot 36 6000gns Ironstone Harley sold to Messrs Knight, Stoke Doyle, Oundle, Peterborough
Lot 19 5500gns Lowgate Harold to Messrs Foster, Fordham Farm, Garrowby Hill, Bishop Wilton, York
Lot 1 5500gns Procters Duvalier to Mr Clarke, Sprinks Barn Farm, Dunstall, Nr Burton On Trent