The Northern Ireland Limousin Cattle Club’s 35th Annual General Meeting was held recently at Dungannon Rugby Club on Thursday 25th March.
Henry Savage, Altnamackin, Newry was re-elected for another term as Chairman after addressing club members attending the meeting. Henry summarised the year for the Club as another successful year and congratulated local breeders on their successes at shows and sales held throughout the past 12 months. He also thanked the judges, sponsors and to everyone who had helped at all the events held by the Club.

Following from the Chairman’s report Michael Morrow from Hunter & Sinton, Banbridge delivered the financial report for the year 2014/2015. Michael thanked Henry Savage, Mr Jim Quail, Secretary/Treasurer Heather Hume and the Executive Committee for their input and Michael received a note of thanks from the Chair and floor. Next on agenda was the election of new Executive Committee members where three vacancies were filled by newly elected members Mr Leslie Hood, Ballymena, Mr Alan Geary, Tassagh, and Mr Victor Keys, Dromore. Following a refreshment break the Henry welcomed the newly elected members on to Executive Committee level. Henry also spoke of the recent sad passing of club members Ernie Wilson and Norman Johnston and extended his sympathies on behalf of the Club’s members to both family circles.

To bring the meeting to a close the Club’s Charity Draw took place with donations from proceeding going to both Marie Curie Cancer Research and the MacMillan Cancer Unit. Winners of the draw were 1st £500 Holiday Voucher Travel Solutions, went to Mr F Byrne, Donadea, Kildare, 2nd Television was won by Mrs G Stewart, Randalstown, 3rd Apple IPad won by Mr S Reel, Cullyhanna, 4th £150 J Quail Fine Foods Hamper won by Mr W Corrie, Newtownstewart, 5th £120 Wine hamper won by Mr J Rainey, Kilrea and 6th Ulster Rugby Tickets went to winner Mr Colin Shaw, Belfast.
The NI Limousin Cattle Club now looks forward to the upcoming BLCS Spring Show & Sale of Bulls & Females on Monday 4th May at Ballymena Mart with sponsors Connon General Merchant Stores and Ulster Bank Limited.