Halls Bishops Castle Auction report a highly successful sale of suckled calves and weanlings last Thursday 17th November. There was an excellent presentation of 350 quality cattle to celebrate this annual prize sale which was kindly sponsored by the British Limousin Society who awarded the prize money and rosettes for the best bunch of 4 or more Limousin bred cattle, steers and heifers. Presented with a difficult task, classes were expertly judged by Roger Egglestone of Nixons near Cheadle.

The winners and sale results were as follows:
Champion: J. A. Wood & Sons, Kinnerton
Reserve Champion: J. A. Wood & Sons, Kinnerton
1st Prize Steers: J. A. Wood & Sons, Kinnerton 325k £1,200
2nd Prize Steers: J. A. Wood & Sons, Kinnerton 305kg £990
3rd Prize Steers F. T. Bedell & Son, Linch House 320kg £960
1st Prize Heifers M. & A. Powell, Drefor 290kg £990
2nd Prize Heifers J. A. Wood & Sons, Kinnerton 270kg £950
3rd Prize Heifers J. A. Wood & Sons, Kinnerton 288kg £920
Highest priced animal sired by a Limousin bull – R. R. Jones & Son, Glynhafren £1,490.
Written by Bishops Castle Auction Mart.