At Borderway Mart, Carlisle on Monday 30th March the North West Limousin Club held their Annual Show & Sale of primestock in conjunction with Harrison and Hetherington’s weekly primestock sale.

The Judge Mr John Little, Lancaster Meats awarded the Overall Championship to JS & JO Dodd of West View, Temple Sowerby for their 572kg steer which later went on to sell to £1,335.62 and was purchased by Pioneer Foods. Top price per kilo of 235.5ppk was for the 2nd prize 565kg heifer also consigned by JS & JO Dodd which sold for £1,330.58. Top price per head £1,622.08 went to the 713kg 1st prize heifer and Reserve Overall Champion from JJ Crichton, Loughrigg Farm, Egremont – also purchased by Pioneer Foods.