The Northern Ireland Limousin Cattle Club is delighted to announce the teams representing Northern Ireland region in the upcoming YLBC Stockjudging event which is scheduled for the 19th May 2012 at Devon County Show, Exeter.
After two enjoyable evenings organised by the Club for the Young Limousin Breeders NI the five successful young breeders were selected as follows:- Senior Team of Kim Nicholson and Lynsay Lawrence; Junior Team of Ruth Hamill and Adam McGookin and Selected Individual Arthur Callaghan.

Chairperson Derek Frew together with BLCS representative Jim Quail thanked everyone for supporting the two evenings and wished the successful applicants all the very best in the competition. The NI Limousin Cattle Club were delighted to see the many young limousin breeders who came along with an interest to learn and improve their skills and hope that they found it informative and enjoyable.
The NI Limousin Cattle Club would like to thank hosts Derek Frew, Kellswater and Jim Quail of Banbridge who kindly allowed the use of their premises and their livestock for judging pens. Also appreciation is extended to Master Judges Sam Coleman, Glarryford and Jonathan Aiken, Dromore for their guidance and expertise. And finally thanks goes to the YLBNI and their president Mark Stewart, Antrim for their continued help and support in this annual event.