Intermediate Champion …….

........ Heathmount Frenchconnection sold for 15,000gns to Mr Frank Page from Northamptonshire.  Got by AI to Wilodge Vantastic, out of Heathmount Veronica.  A sound...

Top Price for Culnagechan Bull ……………. 48,000gns

J Mulholland's October 2010 bull, Liscon Fraser sold for 7,000gn to Herries Farms. Derek Hume's Culnagechan Falcon was next up  and  got the top price...

As we approach midday ….

Goldies Fiesta sold well for 8,000gns to the Hepburns, a October 2010 born Haltcliffe Bill son out of Goldies Bramble with Ronick Esther in...

Top price of the morning so far ………….

With apologies to our online viewers, we've had a small technical hiccup but hopefully that's been sorted...... Honeymoor Favourite 87  woke the crowd up with...

Excellent start for the Intermediates ……

First Intermediate bull under David Thomlinson was Spittalton Fletcher went for 12,000gns  by the noted Wilodge Vantastic AI sire out of Spittalton Dona Fletcher...

Quick trade continues.

The Ronick Hawk son WILODGE FLYER was next in the ring, 3/4 brother to Wilodge Drummer, first in his class and knocked down at...

Next few lots

Another impressive bull from K I & E & H I Jones, Garnedd Ferrari went to the Shannas herd of Messrs Penny for 10,000gns. Following...

Sale of Overall Male Champion & Reserve

Garnedd Ffrancon looking splendid from his success yesterday in the show ring did K I & E & HI Jones proud by going for...

Next few bulls saw

Swarland Fandango heads north to the Atholl Estate in Perth for 5,500gns - with a Beef value of +27 this Brontemoor Apache son is...

Continuing at a pace..

Mr T A Horn's Griseburn Forceten sold for 5,800gns, 2nd in his class yesterday under Stuart Fotheringham heading to Mr Paterson of Newton Stewart. Bargany...