A note from Alice – November 2023


Anside Titan tops Stirling October Sale at 14,000gns

Anside Titan tops at 14,000gns A strong commercial trade continued for Limousin breeders at Stirling with Anside Titan topping the trade at 14,000gns, with the 29 bulls sold achieving...

Scottish Club Herd Competition results

🏆 Commercial herd competition results 🏆 Thank you to everyone who took part this year in the herd competition, and thank you to Mr James Nisbet for giving up...

Limousin champion tops Ballymena sale at 5,800gns

Prices reached a ceiling of 5,800gns at the British Limousin Cattle Society’s evening show and sale, held at Ballymena Livestock Mart. Hitting the headlines in the show and sale...

Brecon Limousin Premier Show & Sale Catalogue

11th November 2023 Limousin-Catalogue-11-11-23Download

Goldies Torpedo Shot to the Top, selling for 32,000gns

62 bulls averaged £8206.58 (up £628 on 2022) 13 bulls sold for 10,000gns or over Team Goldie of Townfoot, Dumfries set the trade alight with their...

A Note from Alice – October 2023

Note from Alice_Oct23_1Download

Carlisle October Sale Catalogue


Ballymena – Sale Catalogues

Click here to view the Catalogue for the BULLS - https://limousin.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/246259-Ballymena-BULLS-Catalogue-Oct-23.pdf Click here to view the catalogue for the FEMALES - https://limousin.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/246260-Ballymena-FEMALES-Catalogue-Oct-23.pdf

A Note from Alice – September 2023

Note from Alice_Sep23Download