The British Limousin Cattle Society is pleased to announce that from this Wednesday, a new pedigree and performance database will be put in place for the breed.  Called Taurus (, the facility is in place of the previous ‘Basco’ database and the move represents a further milestone in the breed’s ongoing programme of breed development.

Says Iain Kerr, BLCS Chief Executive “The Society’s database is the king pin around which all members’ activities and breed development are based.   This move and our investment in it will ensure that its growth is properly tailored to the needs of all members, offering great flexibility and higher levels of data analysis than have been possible to date.    This is not only of immediate benefit to Society members in the ongoing management of their herds, but is valuable to the commercial sector that stands to gain from a database that will also deliver opportunity for quicker and sharper decision-making.

Limousin users of the previous database are advised that the switch to the new database will take place at 10am on Wednesday 5th July, which is a swift transition to make best use of programming expertise.    Please be advised that from 4pm on Tuesday 4th July, the present Basco database will be closed to all Limousin users in order for the transition to be completed.  No searches or member activity can take place at this time.  All members’ Basco accounts will automatically be transferred to the new site and login details will be the same as they are for current Basco accounts.  Any user trying to access Limousin information on the Basco site will be automatically redirected to Taurus.   Until new developments are put in place the layout and content of the new site is similar to the Basco site and will be familiar.    Members that have previously used ‘GTX’ to access their account information will be required to set up a new account and they will be advised accordingly when they next login via GTX.

For any enquiry please get in touch with the British Limousin Society office by email or telephone 02476 696500.

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