North Eastern Limousin Cattle Breeders Club

Club Report 2007
The year started well with a very well attended meeting, the talk was given by Mike Powley, the subject being ‘How to make a profit in Beef.’ Taking this to extremes in February were the Varleys of Queenshead who had the Champion atCarlisle which sold for the second highest price ever of 52,000gns.
The interbreed quiz was again well attended being won by the Limousin team (not only the brightest in which cattle they breed!) The North East’s sale at Leyburn was a success in April with a good price achieved for good stock. An excellent visit to James Cooper’s also took place in April with approximately 70 people in attendance, with great hospitality and cattle enjoyed by all.
In May the Priestleys enjoyed a strong trade at Carlisle, peaking at 12,000gns. This was the prelude to Skipton Red Daywhere the first calf show was very well supported, with 50 or so entries. The pedigree section saw a win by James Cooper, with the overall award being taken by Jim Hollingsworth of Mold, with an 11 month old threequarter Limousin heifer.
Another successful event in May was the Beef Expo event in Skipton where the stand of cattle looked tremendous, the hospitality organised by Phyllis Orton was appreciated by many and culminated in the stand being awarded Best Breed Stand out of 23 Breed Societies. In July we were fortunate with the weather and the Great Yorkshire Show went ahead albeit with a very disappointing number of Limousins present and this has to be rectified by 2008 for the 150th Show, so let’s get more entries. The Breed and Interbreed Championships were awarded to Sauvignon from the Crawford Brothers.
This is when it all went wrong with the Herd Competition and visits being cancelled due to Foot and Mouth breakouts. With no Herd Competition, the Dinner was a very relaxed affair with the only presentation of the night going to Annabel Mason as Young Breeder of the Year.