The Northern Ireland Commercial Cattle Exhibitors Club held their Eighth Annual Summer Spectacular at Balmoral Showground on Friday 24th August which saw over 100 cattle compete on the day.

Taking reserve honours was John Killen, Crossgar with his Guards Boomer-sired steer Wee Tyson. Having earlier won the Lightweight class, this stylish 490kg bullock went on to pick up the Limousin Championship in front of Judge Leo McEnroe before being placed Reserve Overall under Championship Judge Liz Vance, Scotland. She described her reserve as “a tremendous steer combining quality and excellent breed character.” Gordon Cutler was Reserve Champion Limousin with his lightweight heifer.

The Dunbia Butchers Heifer Championship, judged this year by Sam Carmichael, saw Ryan Law standing top of the line with a well-fleshed heifer entered by commercial suckler man Gerry Law, Kesh. This well-made heifer was 575 kilos on show morning and is bred from a Limousin bull and is out of a Blue-cross cow.