Milbrook Gingerspice & Iveagh Gilkes win Interbreed Pairs
Individual Interbreed, Supreme Limousin Champion & Female Champion Milbrook Gingerspice
Artnagullion Hanna, Junior Interbreed Champion, Reserve Supreme & Junior Overall Champion
Male Champion, Jnr Male Champion & Res Jnr Champion Lynderg Hero
Reserve Male Iveagh Gilkes
Limousin Championship One-Two in Commercials

In an outstanding achievement, Milbrook Gingerspice, the January 2011-born in-calf heifer brought out by Mr William Smith, Oldcastle, Co Meath, Southern Ireland was crowned Overall Individual Interbeed Supreme Champion for the second year running at the Royal Ulster Show, Belfast. The Interbreed title, judged on the second day, followed hard on the heels of the Supreme Limousin Championship title picked up on the opening day of the 2013 Royal Ulster Show held at its new Belfast home on Wednesday 15th May.
Gingerspice is by the prolific Wilodge Vantastic and is out of Milbrook Baby. In 2012, she had won the Limousin, Junior Interbreed & Overall Individual Interbreed Championships and was presented here in-calf to Brookmill Fearless, a Sympa son, being due in January.
This made it a fantastic three-in-a-row for Mr Smith who two years ago also secured both the Limousin and Interbreed championships with Milbrook Celine. Limousin Judge Stephen Illingworth of the noted Glenrock Herd, Howgillside, Eaglesfield, Lockerbie, Dumfries commented: “My Champion was a very special heifer, had style in abundance and just owned the ring. When she came in, she brought with her such style and presence, had width, length and was very feminine – a very classy heifer all round.”

Mr Illingworth was presented by a 77-strong entry of Limousin cattle including 13 animals alone in the yearling heifer class, from which emerged the Reserve Supreme Champion, Reserve Female Champion and Junior Limousin Champion, Artnagullion Hanna. Bred and shown by William McAllister, Parkgate Road, Kells, Ballymena, Co Antrim, the April 2012-born Hanna is by Virginia Andy and is out of Teeshan Evanoush. Said the Judge: “My Overall Reserve was a very smart calf, sweet, with plenty of style, very correct and as a heifer is only going to get better.” In a memorable two days for the Limousin breed, and in this instance for the McAllister Family, Artnagullion Hanna made it an Interbreed double when winning the Junior Supreme Individual Interbreed title.

Judge of both the Overall and Junior Overall Interbreed titles was Mr Colin Hutchings, Kingsbrompton Farm, Brompton Regis, Dulverton, Somerset who described Milbrook Gingerspice as “a phenonomal heifer with great style, presence and breed character.”
On the opening day, Artnagullion Hanna had won the Junior Heifer title with Trueman Hosanna from Henry Savage & Sons, Skerriff Road, Altnamackin, Newry, Co Down standing reserve. Hosanna is a daughter of Ampertaine Commander and is out of the Irish-bred dam, Cookstown B1425, dam of the 14,00gns Trueman Grazia sold at Red Ladies in 2012.
For a video of the judging, click here.
On the Friday, the final day at Balmoral, Milbrook Gingerspice teamed up with the Limousin Reserve Male Champion, Iveagh Gilkes, to take the Interbreed Pairs honours in front of Judge Mr Billy Robson, Doagh, Ballyclare. Exhibited by Derek Hume, Maghereagh Road, Randalstown, Co Antrim, Iveagh Gilkes is a Haltcliffe Underwriter son purchased for 21,000gns for his Culnagechan Herd at Carlisle in October 2012.

Back to the Limousin bull classes, and it was Lyndberg Hero from Jim Quail, Northwood, Tullyear, Banbridge, Co Down who was awarded the Male Championship, Junior Male Championship and Reserve Overall Junior award. January 2012-born, Lynderg Hero is entirely homebred being by Lynderg Eisenhower and out of Lynderg Diana. Reserve Junior Male was Artanagh Houston from I & R McIlroy & Son, Banbridge Road, Dromara, Dromore, Co Down. Artnagh Houston is March 2012-born, is by Wilodge Vantastic and is out of Goldies Sonia.

It was a Limousin one-two in the Commercial Championships judged on the second day by noted show calf producer Hugh Dunlop, Holehouse Farm, Cumnock, Ayrshire. Taking the Steer and Overall Championship was Steady Eddie, sired by Swarland Eddie, and exhibited by N & J Alexander of Randalstown. The Alexanders also took the Heifer Championship with Eddie Rock which is also by Swarland Eddie, purchased for 10,000gns at Carlisle in February 2011. Back in January, these two animals had secured a Championship One-Two in the crossbred section of the Northern Ireland Young Limousin Breeders’ Club Calf Spectacular held at Ballymena Livestock Market.
Limousin Class Results:
Heifer, born on or after 1st April 2012
William McAllister Artnagullion Hanna
Dale Robinson Robineed Honey
DG Green & Sons Pondpark Heidi
Heifer, born on or between 1st Jan and 31st Mar 201
Henry Savage Trueman Hosanna
Henry Savage Trueman Holly
Carronglen Hotstuff Malachy Dillion
Junior Heifer Championship
William McAllister Artnagullion Hanna
Henry Savage Trueman Hosanna
Heifer, in calf or maiden, born on or between 1st July and 31st Dec 2011
Oliver & Martin Davis Beachmount Goodgirl
Henry Savage Trueman Gaga
Heifer, in calf, born on or between 1st Oct 2010 and 30th June 2011
William Smith Milbrook Gingerspice
Connor Mulholland Wilodge Golddust
Cow or Heifer, in calf or with calf at foot born between 1st Jan 2010 and 31st Sept 2010
Robert Clyde Lowbarn Fotty
David Hamill with Lenagh Fantastic.
Female Championship
William Smith Milbrook Gingerspice
William McAlister Artnagullion Hanna
Bull, born on or after 1st April 2012
Brian McComb Ballyaulkin Highflyer
Mark Armstrong Frewstown Hullabaloo
Bull, born on or between 1st Jan and 31st Mar 2012
Jim Quail Lyndberg Hero
I & R McElroy Artanagh Houston
Junior Bull Championship
Jim Quail Lyndberg Hero
I & R McElroy Artanagh Houston
Junior Limousin Championship
William McAlister Artnagullion Hanna
Jim Quail Lyndberg Hero
Bull, born on or between 1st July 2010 and 30th June 2011
Derek Hume Iveagh Gilkes
Robert Clyde Rahoney Gareth
Bull born before 1st July 2010
Robert Clyde Limo Esso
Male Championship
Jim Quail Lynderg Hero
Derek Hume Iveagh Gilkes
GROUP OF THREE Herbert Lusby Cup Winners
Henry Savage
Stephen McGookin
Hamill Family
Some informal photos can be seen here.
A video of the Interbreed judging can be seen here.