…..and has now completed the class judging in the bulls. The Class born 1.4.12 and 31.5.12 went to Sportsmans Hurricane a Haltcliffe Vermount sired calf 30th May born and shown by Boden & Davis. In second place was N B Layton with Lyonshall Hawk a Vial son.
In the final bull class for young bulls born on or after 1st June 2012 it was a win for P & L Hughes with Pabo Harri a Sympa son. And in second place was Paul Dawes with Dinmore Hocco a Wilodge Vantastic son.
First of the Championships have just been judged in the form of the Junior Bulls and taking the title Junior Bull Champion was Millington Grange Estate with Millington Hawk and in second place was E D Griffiths & Co with Mynach Harliquin.

Next up will be the Senior Male Champion followed by the Overall Male so look out for the results to come……