– 43 Bulls average £2,872.85, averages up by £94 on the year.
– 13 Females average £1,833.46
– Sale grosses £138,543.74
– Overall Sale Clearance Rate 95% (43/45 bulls and 13/14 females)
– Export Sale to Scotland
The British Limousin Cattle Society’s Show & Sale held on Monday 5th May 2014 at Ballymena Livestock Mart saw another solid trade for Limousin stock with 43 bulls finding new homes at a clearance rate of 96% to an average of £2,872. Averages were up on the year by £94. Females were also in demand at a clearance rate of 93% selling at an average of £1,833 up by £316 on the corresponding sale in 2013.
There was a buzz of Spring at both the show and sale rings which were packed with spectators and potential buyers. Top price on the day of 5,200gns went to Millgate Heman bred by M Loughran, Cookstown. This November 2012-born bull had been picked by Judge Paul Rainey, Kilrea as his Intermediate Champion at the pre-sale show and is sired by the 32,000gns Millgate Fame and out of Ballyline Barbra. The bull, which has a Beef Value of LM+40 now heads to the home of J McCloskey, Draperstown to work with his commercial herd.

Second top price of 5,000gns went to Keenaught Hector bred by Niall Quinn, Kilrea. This June 2012 bull had been placed as Overall Reserve Supreme Champion, Reserve Male Champion and Reserve Senior Champion. He is sired by Carmorn Copilot and is out of the dam Carntogher Delilah. With a Beef Value of LM+24 he was purchased by another commercial breeder A Baxter, Ballyclare.

The Overall Supreme Champion, Male Champion and Senior Champion, Culnagechan Hasselhoff, from Derek Hume, Randalstown, Co Antrim realised 4,800gns. This July 2012-born bull, also sired by Carmorn Copilot, is out of the homebred dam Culnagechan Empress. Holding a Beef Value of LM+34, he now heads to Carrickmcstay Farm’s commercial and pedigree enterprise at Warrenpoint.

The fourth top price of 4,300gns went to the Junior Reserve Champion bull Envier Icefall bred by Mr M McKeefry, Garvagh. This February 2013-born bull is sired by Ampertaine Bermuda and out of the homebred dam Eniver Fantastic and holds a Beef Value of LM+23. He was bought by M Smith, Kells.
Next was Scotchtown Heston bred by L Allison, Limavady realising a price of 3,500gns. This December 2012-born bull, sired by Wilodge Cerberus and out of Scotchtown Divine, now heads to pedigree breeder R Workman, Larne .
Top female price of the day of 3,100gns went to Female Champion Annadale Hippy bred by C Murray, Cullyhanna. This stylish and feminine August 2012-born heifer is sired by Ampertaine Commander being out of the homebred dam Annadale Eyecandy, a Ronick Iceman daughter . Annadale Hippy was bought by pedigree breeder J Cranny, Newry.
Second top priced female at 2,600gns was Saulbrea Faith (by Ronick Argos) sold with her February 2014 heifer calf at foot sired by Saulbrae Gringo. Consigned by T Neale, Downpatrick this outfit was snapped up by R Matthewson, Newtownstewart.
The third leading price of 2,000gns went to two heifers owned by J & E Wilson, Banbridge with both of them heading to pedigree breeder G Rodgers, Dromara . Both heifers are sired by Banville Blast with Lisnisk Hatty a March 2012 heifer bred out of the dam Edenkennedy Aimee and Lisnisk Hetty , a class winner, born April 2014, out of the dam Lisnisk Aniseed.