Dear Member

Important Information: Animal De-Registrations

As notified on 2nd May 2019 and as listed on the BLCS website, a number of animals bred in the Ballinloan herd have had their cattle passports removed by the British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS) and the BLCS has been advised a further number remain under investigation by the authorities.  The list on the BLCS website here has been updated to reflect this.

The time taken to fully establish the breeding and pedigree status of these animals with the authorities has been considerable and the BLCS has worked hard to seek resolution.   A communication has been received from BCMS with regard to errors in animals’ dates of birth and/or pedigree and we have been advised by the BCMS that removed passports originating from the Ballinloan herd will not be reinstated, irrespective of what our own investigations already have or may be able to achieve.   

The Council of Management has met to consider the full circumstances of the case in the context of this new information.  It was unanimously decided that, in light of the information and for herd book rules to be applied consistently, the pedigree status of animals falling in to such a category must be withdrawn by the Society and the animals de-registered.   The animals currently affected by this are listed below and are also on the website notice referred to above.


Ballinloan Jaegerbomb M UK542434501587
Ballinloan Jericho M UK542434601567
Ballinloan Jumbo M UK542434601595
Ballinloan Laird M UK542434301725
Ballinloan Lambourghini M UK542434101730
Ballinloan Lester M UK542434401719
Ballinloan Lethal M UK542434101702
Ballinloan Leyla F UK542434201703
Ballinloan Lilt F UK542434501671
Ballinloan Logan M UK542434701687
Ballinloan Lorenzo M UK542434401684
Ballinloan Lush M UK542434601756
Ballinloan Master M UK542434501783
Ballinloan Messi M UK542434201794


For clarity, this means that: 

  • The animals listed above have been de-registered. They may not now be used for pedigree use or in any wider circumstance where pedigree status is required.
  • Important: under the terms of the Society’s byelaws, where they exist, all descendants of these animals no longer comply with the ‘three generation’ pedigree rule and it has been necessary to de-register them too. The three generation rule is governed by EU legislation and requires an animal’s parents and grandparents to be pedigree Limousins registered in the main section of a recognised herd book (subject to wider byelaw provision for grading up dams).     This means the descendants cannot be used for pedigree breeding purposes or in any circumstances where pedigree status is required.  In accordance with the byelaws, the registration fee for any such animal under 450 days will be reimbursed to breeders.
  • Female animals bred by the male animals listed may not be registered as ‘base cows’ for grading up purposes. The reason for this is that under the Society’s bye-laws, base cows are required to be sired by a Limousin bull registered in the main section of a recognised herd book.  It should be noted that their female progeny (ie grand progeny of the male animals in this list) may be registered as base cows, provided they meet all wider provisions of the byelaws (which includes being sired by a pedigree Limousin bull registered in the main section of a recognised herd book).   Females bred out of the female animals on this list may be registered as base cows, providing they also meet the wider provisions of the byelaws (which, as above, includes being sired by a pedigree Limousin bull registered in the main section of a recognised herd book).
  • It is our understanding that semen from animals on this list and that of their progeny can be traded and used in commercial herds. It may not be used for pedigree breeding purposes.
  • Further guidance in relation to animals whose passports have been removed can be found here:

As the authorities’ investigations continue, this list of animals will be updated and owners of affected animals contacted individually.

The Council are very conscious of the impact this will have on a number of members.   It has been a complex decision that has been made with much consideration and with guidance from the appropriate authorities. The overriding aim of Council has been to provide the best possible protection of all members’ interests in the circumstances and protection of the credibility of the herd book.

Letters with this information have been sent to all BLCS members and to the owners of the affected animals.  If you have any query in relation to it or for assistance, please get in touch with the BLCS office on 02476 696500, email

Michael Cursiter
BLCS Chairman