The 10th Anniversary Stars of the Future Calf Show, held on Saturday 9th November 2019 at United Auctions, Stirling, saw a fantastic entry of 410 head of youngstock across 10 breeds with no fewer than 58 Limousin entries.

The continental senior section was won by the Limousin bull, Westpit Orlando, from Andrew Gammie, Drumforber, Laurencekirk when put up by judge Adrian Ivory, Meigle, Perth. Planned for sale at Carlisle in February, he is an embryo calf out of Brockhurst Holy and sired by Goldies Jackpot.
Making further headlines on the day in the Limousin section judged by Michael Massie, Mains of Elrick was the Reserve Senior Male, Westpit Oasis, by Ampertaine Gigolo and out of Brockhurst Holy making it a further win for Messrs Gammie.
Taking the Senior Limousin Female championship were Messrs Jenkinson, Penrith with Whinfellpark Onita by Gunnerfleet Lion and out of Whinfellpark Firework. Reserve Senior Limousin Female to her was Messrs D & L Graham, Blairdrummond, with Burnbank October by Dinmore Jonesy & out of Burnbank Harmony.
Junior Male and Overall Junior Limousin Champion was Thomas Illingworth, Lockerbie with Eagleside Prometheus sired by Wilodge LJ and out of Glenrock Jewel. Reserve Junior Male & Reserve Overall Junior Limousin Champion was a five-month-old calf from D McBeath & SJ Jessop, Bannockburn, with Springsett President by Gunnerfleet Lion and out of the dam Poolehall Iris.

The Junior Female Limousin Championship was lifted by the Crawford Brothers’ Rathkeeland Phoenix by Culnagechan Lazio and out of Culnagechan Liberty. Reserve Junior Limousin Female was Glenrock Pocahontas, a daughter of Wilodge LJ and out of Glenrock Jadore brought out by Messrs S & H Illingworth.

In the Continental Pairs, it was a win for the Limousin duo of Maraiscote Pearl & Maraiscote Prince from Ian Nimmo, Wishaw. Both are sired by Bassingfield Machoman and out of Maraiscote Gucci & Maraiscote Essex respectively.
In the strongly Limousin-influenced commercial section under judge Hugh Dunlop, Holehouse, Ochiltree, senior male and overall senior was B Duffton & R Stuart’s Limousin cross, Dirty Dancer. Senior female and reserve overall senior came in the shape of A & E Vance’s Limousin cross, The Governess. Reserve senior female was Robyn Wallace’s Limousin cross, Crunchie. Standing junior male was W Robertson & Son’s Limousin cross, Bugsy with reserve junior male, Kygo, a Limousin cross from Andrew Morton. Reserve junior female and reserve overall junior was Morgan Kay’s Limousin cross, Sunday.
Limousin Results
Senior male & overall senior – A & J Gammie’s Westpitt Orlando
Reserve senior male & reserve overall senior – A & J Gammie’s Westpit Oasis
Senior female – AW Jenkinson’s Whinfellpark Onita
Reserve senior female – D and L Graham’s Burnbank October
Junior male and overall junior – Thomas Illingworth’s Eagleside Prometheus
Reserve junior male and reserve overall junior – D McBeath & SJ Jessop’s Springsett President
Junior female – Crawford Brothers’ Rathkeeland Phoenix
Reserve junior female – S & H Illingworth’s Glenrock Pocahontas
Continental pair – Limousin (Ian and Andrew Nimmo’s Maraiscote Pearl and Maraiscote Prince).