On Friday 15th October, an eagerly awaited consignment of top drawer females will be offered for sale from the Westpit herd. Taking place at Borderway Mart, the sale of 40 pedigree Limousins is held on behalf of Messrs A & J Gammie, Laurencekirk, Aberdeenshire.

Based in the Northeast of Scotland, Drumforber is a 450 acre unit made up of grassland, spring barley and 100 acres of trees with some land rented out for potatoes. The herd totals 100 cows with 40 pedigree Limousins and followers, running alongside Limousin crossbreds.

It was Andrew’s grandfather George and father Jim Gammie, who founded the pedigree Limousin herd at Drumforber in the early 1970s, and the Westpit prefix was established in 1984. At that time, the unit was home to 200 commercial cows, with an additional 1000 head of finishing cattle bought in every year, finishing on home grown feeds. It wasn’t until Andrew returned home to farm in 2000 after working elsewhere following studies at agriculture college, that he looked to take the Limousin herd further.

The family started by investing in a batch of 16 maiden heifers purchased privately from the Greenwell herd in 2009. Most of these purchases were daughters of the French sires, Tanin and Vagabond, with one of the first bulls born, Westpit Fendt, selling for 15,500gns at Carlisle. He was out of Greenwell Delight, which was served to Vagabond as luck penny before heading north to Drumforber. The back pedigree of today’s animals can clearly see these fundamental bloodlines.

The animals for sale are from the heart of the herd with many going back to those Greenwell foundation females that have consistently done a great job. Incorporating embryo work at the centre of their breeding policy, some of the flushing team offered under the hammer, alongside two daughters from the noted Brockhurst Holy and Sarkely Ellajen lines. Noted stock bulls such as Jalex Itsallgood, Dinmore Immense and Netherhall Doubleoseven have all played a vital part in the herd’s development.

The Gammie family are not strangers to the show and sale rings, with significant achievements over the years. Despite picking up multiple red rosettes, when asked the herds ‘biggest achievements’ Andrew says, “seeing prominent breeders with great progeny for sale, that have been bred using our bloodlines is wonderful.” Recent success with Westpit- sired animals include Haltcliffe Raquel, a daughter of Westpit Omaha, who was sold for 32,000gns at the Haltcliffe production sale in August this year.

Andrew and family are eager to welcome both new and established breeders to Borderway to the sale. Andrew extends “thanks to all the staff at H&H and the Limousin Cattle Society for all their help in organising the sale. Also, a huge thanks to everyone who has helped at home and at the sale.”

All enquiries and visits to view the stock prior to the sale are very welcome, contact Andrew Gammie on 07595233341. An open day is being held this Sunday 10th October, at the farm, Drumforber, Laurencekirk, Aberdeenshire, AB30 1RS, everyone is welcome. Please contact Andrew to register attendance prior to the date for catering.
Keep an eye out for the ‘Star Lots’ which are pictured throughout the feature. They will be individually featured online shortly.