Bull clearance rate 90%
Bull sale average £10,651
– 23 senior bulls average £8,861
– 38 intermediate bulls averaged £13,188
– 23 junior bulls averaged £8,249
21 bulls sell over £10,000gns
A world record was smashed at the Limousin Society’s annual May bull sale at Borderway Mart on Saturday the 7th May 2022. From first-time vendor but no stranger to the breed Gerwyn Jones, Conwy, Graiggoch Rambo flew through the bids and sold for and incredible 180,000gns.
This world record was the highlight of a remarkable sale which saw an overall sale average of £10,651, up by £2,348 on 2021. 21 bulls made £10,000 and over, and the clearance rate was a phenomenal 90% with 84 of the 93 bulls forward selling to new homes. Without the record price included, the average was £8,098 for the same clearance rate, reflective of the high quality of bulls throughout.

The Society caught up with Gerwyn Jones after the sale who said “The events of the weekend are only just sinking in. After working with experienced breeders for a long time, I knew Rambo was something special, which was confirmed by the interest and offers received at home prior to the sale. Due to the attention he was attracting, I was concerned it may deter under bidders, thankfully this was not the case. I am delighted that my first pedigree registered Limousin has sold so amazingly well.”
Prior to the sale, Rambo was described by judge Patrick Greaney of the Whiskey Limousin herd as the best bull he had ever seen: “I slept well the night before the judging, but I didn’t sleep well once I had seen him! I knew an incredible sale would be coming”
It was an incredible sale, with bids flying to 180,000gns, a new World Record price for a Limousin bull. This honour had previously been held of course by Trueman Jagger who sold in 2015 for 140,000gns.
The bull was purchased in a two-way syndicate by Messrs Jenkinson of the Whinfellpark herd, Penrith and Boden and Davies Ltd of the Sportsmans herd, Stockport, Cheshire. Commenting on behalf of the partnership, Iain Scott, Farm Manager at Whinfellpark said “Possibly the best bull we have ever seen offered for sale at Carlisle. His breeding line is exceptional. He has width, depth of muscle as well as being correct on his feet and legs. With all the previous attributes he still retains his breed character through his head. Rambo will be going straight to stud to have semen taken.”
A video of Graiggoch Rambo selling can be seen by clicking HERE.

On Friday at the pre-sale show, Graiggoch Rambo had been placed as intermediate and overall champion. Going back to some classic bloodlines of Broadmeadows Cannon, Broadmeadows Ainsi, Ronick Gains and Wilodge Vantastic, he is November 2020-born bull and by Ampertaine Elgin out of Sarkley Glorianne. In an intriguing back story, Gerwyn Jones was offered the opportunity to flush a cow to a bull of his choice as a thank you for work carried out in the Sarkley herd of EH Pennie and Son, Powys. One embryo implanted from this flush lead to Graiggoch Rambo. The saying goes ‘..perhaps a small deed, by sincere intention, is made great’ and there can surely be no better example.

Speaking of his overall champion and the show of Limousin bulls, Pat Greaney commented “Rambo is the best bull I have ever seen. He is 100% correct with power throughout, a super top and without the coarseness that can sometimes come with this”. On the wider show and sale, Pat commented: “I have been thrilled to be part of this event. The show is a snapshot of what you might get, the EBVs offer a little help and the pedigree is permanent. The show of bulls was a credit to breeders and the trade today reflective of the continued demand for the breed across both pedigree and commercial sectors. I like to be validated in everything I do and this came today from the purchaser and underbidder of Graiggoch Rambo”
A video of the overall champion judging can be seen by clicking HERE.

Reserve overall champion for the day was lot 250 Goldies Relish from Bruce T Goldie, Dumfries. He was knocked down at 30,000gns to WJ and M Mash Ltd of the Brockhurst pedigree herd, Buckinghamshire. Born in April 2020, a powerful bull with a top 10% Beef Value of LM41, he is by Ampertaine Opportunity out of Goldies Harmony, who goes back to Hartlaw Excaliber and the noted cow Goldies Vitality.

Reserve intermediate champion was lot 278 Glenrock Redemption from Mr S and Mr T Illingworth who sold for 25,000gns, to Messrs JW and MC Fieldson to take home to their pedigree Fieldson herd near Gainsborough. With F94L/F94L myostatin and a Beef Value in the top 10% of the breed, this October 2020-born bull is a son of Ampertaine Majestic and out of Glenrock Diamante, who is one of the herd’s most successful cows selling to 24,000gns.

Next at 24,000gns was first prize bull lot 298 Deveronvale Razzledazzle. By the well-known Foxhillfarm Jasper out of Aultside Jazz, a daughter of Dinmore Goldcrest, he is a November 2020-born bull. Sold by Graham Morrison, of the Deveronvale herd, Banff, he heads to the home of Mr S Wilson of the Impulsive pedigree herd near Carlisle.

The junior male champion at the pre-sale show was lot 356 Pabo Superspice. This February 2021-born bull is sired by Derrygullinane Kingbull and out of the homebred cow Pabo Mared. Carrying on the success from this herd at the February sale at Carlisle where Pabo Rolex sold for 38,000gns, WP Hughes and Son, Anglesey, sold him for 19,000gns to W D Wright and Son of the Hunthills pedigree herd, Parkgate, Dumfries.

Taking home the reserve senior champion was Messrs A and D Proctor of the Swarland herd, Morpeth. This was lot 258 Strawfrank Romeo from Allan Campbell, Lanark. An October 2020-born bull he is sired by the 35,000gns Foxhillfarm Lordofthering and out of Strawfrank Napoleon. Romeo went on to sell for 17,000gns.

Snowballing through a number of bidders was lot 325 Barrons Snowman, with a final bid of 17,000gns from J Hunter and Sons, Steel Farm, Northumberland. This January 2021-born bull, brought forward by W Barron, Morrow Edge Farm, Durham, is sired by the homebred bull Barrons Major, who sold in October 2021 for 10,000gns, and is out Barrons Oulip, who sold at the same sale for 6,500gns.

Selling for 16,000gns was lot 233 Meadowrig Rifraf from A Renton and HSB Redden Partners, Duns, Berwickshire. Born in August 2020 and with F94/F94L myostatin, Rifraf is sired by the stock bull Homebyres Macadoo out of the successful Brockhurst Fuzzy, whose sire and dam were both Ronick-bred animals. He went home to fellow pedigree Limousin breeders R P and D L Hutchinson Ltd of the Beaconsfield herd, Greenhill Farm, Nottinghamshire.
From Northern Ireland came lot 331 Gorrycam Saxon from S Reel, Newry, Co Down. Homebred on both sides of the pedigree, he is sired by the noted Gorrycam Hazzard and has dam lines that have bred to 24,000gns. This January 2021-born bull sold to commercial buyers J A Wood and Sons, Kinnerton Hall Farm, Shropshire, for 13,000gns.

Also selling for 13,000gns was the February 2021-born bull Intack Solomon, presented by Z Ward, Intack Farm, Lancashire. This embryo calf is sired by the renowned AI bull Pulmtree Fantastic and out of Gunnerfleet Hiseni. Solomon caught the eye of R M Adam and Son of the Newhouse pedigree Limousin herd, Angus.

Lot 275 Garrowby Rene topped a busy day for Garrowby Farms, who brought a strong string of five bulls to sell. Selling for 12,000gns, Rene is a shapey Gunnerfleet Hicks son out of the French cow Minute. He is October 2020-born and carries double F94L myostatin. He went home to commercial buyers W M Reed and Sons, Lands Farm, County Durham.

Also at 12,000gns was lot 293 Swarland Rosco from Messrs A and D Proctor of the Swarland herd, Morpeth. Born in November 2020 and with double F94L myostatin, he heads to the home of James Tennant Ltd of the Lissett pedigree herd, North Humberside. He is by the stock bull Ronick Nissan purchased by the herd in October 2018 for 7,000gns and out of Swarland Jingle, a daughter of the noted sire Swarland Eddie.

Back in the ring for the Goldies herd was lot 306 Goldies Royalty. Born in December 2020, Royalty has a Beef Value of LM34 and is sired by the 40,000gns Ampertaine Opportunity. He is out of the well-known cow Goldies Goldilocks, who bred Goldies Novelty the reserve champion at Carlisle February 2019 who sold for 16,000gns. Royalty sold for 12,000gns to T L L and C P Wynne of the Alwen pedigree herd, Hendre Glan Alwen, Conwy.

Also at 12,000gns was lot 312 Haltcliffe Ringo from Haltcliffe Limousins, Wigton, Cumbria. With a top 10% Beef Value of LM43 and placing first in his class, this December 2020-born bull heads to the home of J and T Waring of the Everpark pedigree herd, Park Farm, York. He is sired by the herds stock bull Westpit Omaha and out of Haltcliffe Onassis, who is out the same cow family as the renowned Haltcliffe Dancer.

Second purchase of the day for the Lissett pedigree herd was lot 281 Eagleside Rockstar, who took to the stage and was snapped up for 11,000gns. This October 2020-born bull, bred by the aforementioned S and T Illingworth, has double F94L myostatin and displays an impressive Beef Value of LM51, which places him in the top 1% of the breed. He is sired by Ampertaine Majestic and out of the Southern Irish bred cow Hurricane Kayla.

Next up for the Goldies herd was lot 329 Goldies Starter selling for 11,000gns, who was awarded the reserve junior champion title at the presale show. He boasts double F94L myostatin and a top 10% Beef Value of LM47. This January 2021-born bull is sired by Carrickmore Maximus and is out of the homebred cow Goldies Obsession, who goes back to Wilodge LJ. Starter now resides in Nairn, going home to E A MacArthur, Newton of Budgate.

Going out of the ring at 11,000gns was lot 343 Broadhead Slayer for Turner Farms Ltd, Holmfirth. With some classic breeding in the shape of sire Chytodden Conan, this January 2021-born bull was out of heifer Gallaber Ovation. He heads home in the lorry of J R MacGregor Ltd of the Dyke pedigree herd, Dyke Farm, Glasgow.

The youngest bull to be put forward for sale was the March 2021-born bull Foxhillfarm Sportman, presented by M Alford, Foxhill Farm, Devon, who sold for 11,000gns. This embryo calf is sired by the renowned Ampertaine Foreman and out the 125,000gns Glenrock Illusion. Sportman has had an amazing 12 months winning champion calf at Agrifest South West Calf Show 2021, champion Limousin and reserve overall at the National Calf Show Birmingham 2021, and junior male champion at the Stars of the Future in Stirling 2021. Sportman goes home to D R and A N Henderson, Mains of Wardhouse, Aberdeenshire.

Achieving a top bid of 10,000gns was lot 289 Tweeddale Rocksolid, brought forward by J Watson, Bowsden Moor, Northumberland. Born in November 2020, he is sired by Gallaway Kemp and out of the homebred cow Tweeddale Ma, who goes back to Foxhillfarm Irishlad. Boasting double F94L myostatin and with a Beef Value of LM38, Rocksolid goes home to Adam Kunz of the Ingmanthorpe pedigree herd, Hallgarth Farm, North Yorkshire.

Presented by Michael Diamond, Carhill Road, Co Derry, lot 295 Pointhouse Rumble caught the attention of K I, E and H Jones of the Garnedd pedigree herd, Bryn Ddraenen, Conwy, with a final bid of 10,000gns. A son of Ampertaine Gigolo and out of a Claragh Franco daughter, this November 2020-born bull has a top 10% Beef Value of LM44.

At 9,000gns was lot 225 Norman Rorey from the local herd Norman Farming Company, Carlisle. He was third in a strong class in the pre-sale show. Rorey is sired by the noted sire Claragh Franco which has done so well for the herd. This July 2020-born bull was out of Norman Hetty, going back to Drummin Eagle. Rorey has a short journey home to J E Studholme and Son, Nealhouse Farm, Cumbria.

Also in at 9,000gns was lot 227 Ringway Retro from P J Henshall, Sarkshields Farm, Dumfries and Galloway. Born in August 2020, Retro has double F94L/F94L myostatin and a Muscle Depth EBV in the top 10% of the breed. He is sired by Millington Langton and is out of Ringway Hero, who goes back to Fieldson Alfy. He heads South to reside with M A and J M Youdan, Poplar House Farm, South Yorkshire.
In a successful days trading for JM and SM Priestley of the local Brontemoor herd, Brampton, was lot 235 Brontemoor Ranger making 9,000gns. An August 2020-born bull, Ranger is sired by the herd’s successful stock sire Brontemoor Max and out of Brontemoor Omega, who has previously sold bulls to 11,000gns. He heads to the home of Tottingworth Farms Ltd of the pedigree Tottingworth herd, East Sussex.
Lot 247 was Whinfellpark Ralphie from Messrs Jenkinson, Whinfellpark, Penrith selling for 9,000gns to Neil Pearson of the Eldon pedigree herd, Eldon Lane Farm, Derbyshire. With double F94L myostatin, this September 2020-born bull is by the noted sire Lowerffrydd Empire and out of Whinfellpark Noodle, who goes back to the herd’s stock sire Foxhillfarm Jasper.
First in his class was lot 261 Reddings Razor from N P Wilson, Moffat, who also made 9,000gns. With double F94L myostatin and a Beef Value of LM50 placing him in the top 1% of the breed, he is sired by Scorboro Magnum and out of Reddings Hopscotch, an Anside Foreman daughter. This October 2020-born bull took a short journey home to M E Brown of the Windyhill pedigree herd, Housenrigg, Wigton.
Lot 269 was the shapey October 2020-born Tweeddale Realmadrid, from the aforementioned J Watson, selling for 9,000gns to R Swindell and Sons Ltd of the Badgermoor pedigree herd, Badger Moor Farm, Ashbourne. With a Beef Value of LM42 placing him in the top 10% of the breed, Realmadrid is sired by the Irish bull Gallaway Midland and out of Tweeddale Moderngirl who goes back to Goldies Goldmine.

S and L Dodd of the Tundergarth pedigree herd, Tundergarth Mains, Lockerbie, purchased lot 322 Ampertaine Rustler for a final bid of 9,000gns, bred by W J and James McKay, Kilrea Road, Co Derry. This December 2020-born bull displays double F94L myostatin and has a Beef Value of LM38. With homebred breeding on both sides of his pedigree, with sire Ampertaine Gigolo and dam Ampertaine Glamourgirl, Rustler is a young bull full of potential.
Female clearance rate 88%
Female average £2,736
Top price female 10,000gns
7 sell at over 5,000gns
On Friday 6th May 2022, the female Limousin consignments were presented for sale at Borderway Mart. 91 females achieved a clearance rate of 88% and a top price of 10,000gns.

Auctioneer for the day was James Little who commented “A strong commercial interest underpinned the trade achieving a high clearance rate, which demonstrates a continued demand for Limousin females.”
Topping the trade on the day and from a large quality consignment from J Nimmo of the Maraiscote herd, Lanarkshire, was lot 24 Maraiscote Rolex. Born April-2020 with a top 10% Beef Value of LM43 she is by the noted Bassingfield Machoman, who has been so successful for the herd and out of Maraiscote Gold, going back to Goldies Comet. Selling for 10,000gns she heads to the home of Mr A White of the newly founded Midlock herd, Lanarkshire.
Next up was lot 116 Tweeddale Sohot from J Watson, Bowsdenmoor, Northumberland. By Carrickmore Maximus, this June 2021-born heifer is out of Grahams Lizzie, a daughter of Claragh Franco and Grahams Coffey. She is a full sibling to Tweeddale Redhot, the junior champion at Balmoral 2021 with a Beef Value in the top 10%. She sold for 5,200gns and heads to her new home with A Bunting and Son, Midtown Farm, Dumfries.
Following on was a strong group of heifers all selling for 5,000gns. The first of these was lot 6 Broadhead Reliant, consigned by Turner Farms Ltd, Holmfirth. This was an April 2020-born heifer by Huntershall Nutcracker out of Larkhill Lorna. She was knocked down to Messrs GN Dunn of the Highridge pedigree herd, Okehampton.
Next amongst this group was lot 15 from Norman Farming Company, Carlisle. Their October 2020-born heifer Norman Ritsybitsy was homebred on both sides of the pedigree by Norman Largo and out of Norman Ophelia, who goes back to Anside Loki. She sold for 5,000gns to Messrs G and A Orrells of the Severnside pedigree herd, Powys.
Also at 5,000gns, and from a clutch of Bassingfield Machoman daughters, came lot 42 Maraiscote Rhistyle from J Nimmo who sold to Mr A Beattie of the Tulliewhanland pedigree herd, Angus. Born in May 2020 she is out of Maraiscote Myrtle who goes back to Macschoice Chris.
A further Bassingfield Machoman daughter from J Nimmo selling at 5,000gns was lot 47 Maraiscote Rochelle. Born in June 2020 she is out of Marasicote Molly, going back to Goldies Comet. She heads to the home of Mr I Snape of the Astwood herd, Worcester.
Last through the sale at 5,000gns and heading to the Burnbank herd of Messrs Graham, Stirling, was lot 112 Tweeddale Specialrose from J Watson. Born in April 2021 she is by stock bull Gallaway Kemp out of Grahams Lizzie, a Claragh Franco and Grahams Coffee daughter.
Three further heifers sold over 4,000gns as follows:
Lot 12 Goldies Sanora from B Goldie, Dumfries selling at 4,500gns to Clive Knox of the Beachmount herd, Roxburghshire.
Lot 26 Marasicote Rolo from J Nimmo selling at 4,200gns to Jack Hunter of the Hunters herd, Antrim
Lot 66 Garrowby Rhapsody from Garrowby Farm, York at 4,000gns to Messrs DR Owen and Son of the Vaenol herd, Gwynedd.
Auctioneers – Harrison and Hetherington Issued by the British Limousin Cattle Society. Written by Alison Glasgow and Jen Tyson.