North Eastern Limousin Cattle Breeders Club

Club Report 2006
Successes at major shows were highlights of the year for a number of North East members.
John Weatherill with Millington Tangerine took Supreme Limousin and Interbreed Champion at the Royal Highland. Carol Stafford with Kaprico Ultimate took Supreme Limousin and Interbreed Champion at The Royal, with Millington Tangerine picking up Reserve. At the Royal Welsh John Weatherill with Millington Tangerine had further success taking Supreme Limousin and Interbreed Champion. Carol Stafford also had further success at the Great Yorkshire Show taking the Reserve prize with Kaprico Ultimate.
The hospitality unit at the Great Yorkshire was also a resounding success, described by a passing guest as ‘a haven of peace and tranquillity away from the maddening crowds.’ Phyllis Orton and Sue Rowson may not have thought so, judging from the number of cups of tea and coffee they and their team made! A DIY barbeque was a feature of the evening entertainment this year. Members cooked their own steaks, some members were obviously skilled at this whereas for others it was a novel experience, judging by how many returned to the heat for a few extra minutes! The whole evening was a very sociable occasion, the steaks were delicious, the salads fresh and deserts to die for! The wine was kindly donated by Mr Crawford who won Supreme Limousin Champion, providing a much appreciated finishing touch.
For those members hoping to start showing a ‘Show School’ was held in April at Thirsk Livestock Mart. This was a first for the North East group with Stuart Renton instructing and demonstrating various aspects of showing. Then, spurred on by this excellent tuition, it was time for members to prepare their own animals for the show ring. Stuart and experienced showing members were on hand to provide instant advice. The weekend was enjoyed by all and the friendly, constructive advice left new members enthused and keenly awaiting the show season. Thanks to Stuart for all his hard work, the Mart for providing an excellent venue and its catering staff for keeping us all well fed over the weekend.
Over 40 people turned out in the bright June sunshine to visit the White Rose Group herds. Starting at Mark Woolhouse’s for light refreshments, an introduction from Mark into the aims of the herds and then a look at his cattle. It was then a quick journey to Jim Bloom’s where we had the stock judging, 4 young bulls and 4 young heifers were forward and Mark Phillips did the judging. There were four winners with 98 points out of a possible 100 – we must be getting good! The final stop was at Paul Walker’s for an excellent barbeque. We looked around his stock then the prizes for the stock judging were given out. Richard then finished off by giving an insight into the herds’ health, their history and how they share the stock bulls. A big ‘thank you’ to all the White Rose Group for organising such a good day out and a thank you to all those who turned up to share the experience.
Limousin breeding swept the board at Countryside Live held in October at the Great Yorkshire Showground. The Commercial, Baby Beef and Festival of Meat sections were all dominated by Limousins. Yorkshire breeding dominated the successes at the event, enjoyed by over 9000 visitors. North East member Stephen Priestley won both the Pedigree Beast Championship and Reserve with the 2005 born pedigree Limousin steer Brontemoor Abington and heifer, Brontemoor Vilac, standing reserve. Brontemoor Abington also secured the Yorkshire Bred title for the Priestleys. North East members manning the Club stand were kept busy offering advice and refreshments to visitors. Mark and Sally Darley on the adjacent stand did a roaring trade selling Limousin beef pies and meat from their Nova Scotia Farm Produce.
Winter events included: Spring and Autumn Club sales at Leyburn Auction Mart, a talk from Neil Wharton on the work of Genus and Clive Brown talking on the role of EBLEX. The annual ‘Interbreed Quiz’ gave members a chance to air their knowledge, with a Limousin team coming out tops. A fun ‘frog race’ was held in March, when, after months of training, humans and frogs enjoyed a great evening’s entertainment. After some fierce racing Pam Gamble eventually emerged as the winner then hungry competitors tucked into a pie and pea supper. Thanks to Paul and Penny Walker for organising the event and supplying their ‘string’ of frogs.
The North East Region’s Herd Competition was judged this year by Peter Kirton, with the results as follows:
Small Herd
1st G C Rowson Rombalds Herd
2nd Mrs P Varley Queenshead Herd
=3rd T & E Priestley Prietec Herd
=3rd R Baxter Raychris Herd
Medium Herd
1st J M & S P Cooper Tomschoice Herd
2nd D & M Cormack Newstart Herd
=3rd W Barron Barrons Herd
=3rd S Littlewood Hollingreave Herd
Large Herd
1st J T & J Nattress & Son Greenwell Herd
2nd J C G Bloom & Son Scorboro Herd
=3rd M Woolhouse Rachels Herd
=3rd A J Mason Oddacres Herd
Extra Large Herd
1st S M Priestley Brontemoor Herd
2nd Millington Grange Estate Millington Herd
3rd R Suddes Cornsay Herd
Stock Bull
1st J M & S P Cooper Sarkley Topknot
2nd S M Priestley Sultan
3rd R Baxter Ardbrack Rising Star
Stockbull and Progeny
1st J T & J Nattress & Son Tanin
2nd Millington Grange Estate Woodhouse Prince
3rd S M Priestley Procters Subaru
Young Bull
1st S M Priestley Brontemoor Aceofspades
2 nd G C Rowson Rombalds Alphonso
3rd= W Barron Barrons Apollo
3rd= J T & J Nattress & Son Greenwell Angus
Young Heifer
1st A K & C Stafford Kaprico Athena
2nd R Baxter Raychris Anne
3rd S M Priestley Brontemoor Amelia
Overall Herd Champion
S M Priestley Brontemoor Herd
Results of Bull & Heifer Derby at Nidderdale Show 25th September judged by Mrs Mary Cormack
1) Queenshead Altea from John, Pat and Daniel Varley
1) Kaprico Athena from Carol Stafford
2) Brontemoor Aceofspades from Steven Priestley
2) Ridinghill Amber from Pam Gamble
3) Rombalds Alphonso from Geoff Rowson
3) Brontemoor Amelia from Steven Priestley
4) Millington Archbishop from John Weatherill
4) Tomschoice Apple from James Cooper
Prizes were presented at the groups Annual Dinner. A carved horn walking stick was donated by Stephen Priestley for auction at the Annual Dinner. This raised £100 for Children in Need.
Other successes are: John Smith Jackson, North East Region winner of the National Suckler Herd competition. Presentations were also made to Keifer Hudson and Robert Dickinson, both young breeders representing the North East at the Royal Show.
This tremendous year owes its success to the efforts of its members. Thanks to all those who contribute in some way, be it organising, hosting, or turning up to events. We hope for continued success next year.