The Northern Ireland Young Limousin Breeders held their annual Calf Spectacular on Friday 28th December at Swatragh Mart.This year’s Judges were June Dowie and daughter Jennifer Hyslop. A well-known duo in the livestock arena June has been showing and judging since 2004 the length and breadth of the country. She runs 200 suckler cows and 1100 breeding ewes on the home farm in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. Jennifer works as stock person at the Graham’s Limousin Herd in Stirling. Showing since the age of twelve and winning many titles including at the Royal 40th Limousin Anniversary Scottish Winter Fair, Royal Highland Show and the Royal Smithfield event. Last year, as part of the Grahams team, Jennifer lifted the Championship title at three majors, the Royal Highland, Great Yorkshire and Royal Welsh. Earlier in December the team also led out the Champion at the Limousin Red Ladies Day for the third year in a row.
As local breeders across Northern Ireland began to take to the show ring, the spectators looked on as the first class of pedigree calves got underway with Jennifer judging. The results are as follows:
Class 1:
- Jalex Ohyeah, James Alexander, Sire: Bassingfield Hobama
- Deerpark Optiums, Connor and Ryan Mulholland, Sire: Lodge Hamlet
- Melbreak Oogieboogie, James Callion, Sire: Trueman Jagger
Class 2:
- Ballyhone Olivia, Brian Hall: Sire: Mereside Lorenzo
Class 3:
- Draperhill O’Brien, Rodgers Family, Sire: Slieve Lenardo
- Garvary Oscar, Gareth Wilson, Sire: Mereside Lorenzo
- Quinliz Obama, Roger Quinn, Sire: Dinmore Jacot
Class 4:
- Sion Olive, Gordon Snodgrass, Sire: Lodge Hamlet
- Millrock Olivia, Gareth Elliott, Sire: Ampertaine Elgin
- Ballycairn Ohio, S McGookin and Sons, Sire: Lynderg Jefferson
Class 5:
- Draperhill Orlando, Rodgers Family, Sire: Slieve Leanardo
- Killydun Ozzy, Quinn Brothers, Sire: Mereside Lorenzo
- Millgate Oreo, Michael Loughran, Sire: Norman Ely
Class 6:
- Coolderry Oana, Leslie Millen, Sire: Teeshan Elmo
- Ballycairn Omega, S McGookin and Sons, Sire: Lynderg Jefferson
- Lurgy Orla, Paul Downey, Sire: Ampertaine Elgin
Class 7:
- Ballyrickard OkieDokie, Ian Davidson, Sire: Gleneagle Icon
- Tullyglush Oscar, Patrick McDonald, Sire: Lodge Hamlet
- Ballycairn Ontario, S McGookin and Sons, Sire: Lynderg Jefferson
Class 8:
- Tullyglush Ophelia, Patrick McDonald, Sire: Plumtree Fantasic
- Doogary Ourkate, Oliver McDonald, Sire: Ampertaine Gigolo
- Sion Oakley, Gordon Snodgrass, Sire: Lodge Hamlet
Class 9:
- Keadyview Orlando, Barney OKane, Sire: Ballinloan Jaegerbomb
- Pointhouse Omg, Kile Diamond, Sire: Ballinloan Jaegerbomb
- Keadyview Ocean, Barney Okane, Sire: Ampertaine Elgin
Next it was June’s turn in the show ring to judge the Commercial Classes. The results are as follows:
Class 10:
- Candy Floss, JCB Commercials, Sire: Elite Icecream
- Mourne Lass, Shane Doyle
- Mega Molly, Robert Miller, Sire Netherhall Jackpot
Class 11:
- Chances Lady, Shane Doyle
- Un-named, Josh Armstrong, Sire: Lodge Hamelt
- Ace of Spades, Leslie Millen, Sire: Teeshane Elmo
Class 12:
- Black Jack, JCB Commercials
- Mega Four, Robert Miller, Sire Lodge Hamlet
Once all the classes were judged the class winners from the Pedigree section were assembled in the show ring where after careful inspection Jennifer tapped out the Northern Ireland Limousin Cattle Club Pedigree Champion as Draperhill Orlando from the Rodgers Family. She awarded Reserve spot to Jalex Ohyeah from James Alexander.

Then it was June’s turn to select her Champion from the Commercial classes winners. She took no time in bringing forward Candy Floss from JCB commercials as her Champion. It was a 1-2 for the JCB team as Black Jack was tapped out as Reserve Champion.

Together, the mother daughter pair studied the Pedigree and Commercial Champion’s and tapped out Draperhill Orlando from the Rodgers Family as the Overall Show Champion, an award sponsored by Norbrook. The pairs class was next, and more success followed for the Rodgers family as they took the Championship with Draperhill Orlando and Draperhill O’Brien from the Rodgers Family.

In addition to the cattle judging there was also a Young Handlers contest running throughout the day. The Young Handlers were judged on presentation, control, response, alertness and showing under the real show conditions which bring added pressure. Both judges carefully watched and together made their decisions. The results are as follows:
Junior Class:
- Kile Diamond
- Lucy Rodgers
- Serena Murphy
Senior Class:
- Molly Bradley
- Adam McGookin
- Joseph McGookin
The Ardigon Perpetual Salver for the Overall Young Handler Champion was awarded to Kile Diamond of the Pointhouse Herd. The Broadhooks Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Young Breeder with the Best Homebred Animal was awarded to Lucy Rodgers and the David Adams Heaslip Memorial Endeavor Trophy went to Phillip Williamson.

Semen straws from the Ampertaine, Truman, Ardles and Elite Herds, plus nose rope and halter complements of Elite Pedigree Genetics were awarded to young handlers who entered and showed their own home bred animal. These went to Adam and Joseph McGookin, Lucy Rodgers and Kile Diamond.

The N.I Young Limousin Breeders would like to thank all their sponsors for their generous support, without who the event could not take place. The list is long, Norbrook, NI Limousin Cattle Club, NI Commercial Cattle Club, HVS Animal Health, A&E Collingwood Mace, Jenkin Butcher, Firmont Vets, Jalex Tractors, Melbreak Limousin, H&A Mechanical, Farlow Engineering, Ian Davidson Fabrications, DG Green & Sons, Greenmount Country Stores, Andrew Hyde, J&P Rainey, Swatragh Mart, Corries Meats, Ampertaine Limousin, Trueman Limousin, Elite Pedigree Genetics, Mark McKinstry, Alan Geary and Broadhooks Cattle Co.

Thanks to all the volunteers, stewards and all who assisted in any way and congratulations are extended to all who took part, there was an impressive show of Limousin Cattle for the future.