The 2022 summer show season kicked off in spectacular style at the 153rd RUAS Balmoral Show on Wednesday 11 May. Day one of the show saw the Limousin judging in front of Mark Quick of the Loosebeare herd, Crediton, Devon.

From amidst some intense competition on a warm but showery day, Jalex Riri bred and exhibited by James Alexander, Randalstown, Co Antrim won the Overall Limousin Championship. This was James’s second year in a row to win this coveted title. Riri, a May 2020 born female is by Truemannatkingcole, a September 2017 born son by Trueman Jagger, and out of the dam Hudscales Gigi who also bred Jalex Nini that was Junior Champion at the calf bonanza in 2017. Riri is scanned in-calf to Norman Ely. Having come through the field she followed up her class win by taking the titles Female Champion and then Overall Limousin Champion.
Judge Mark Quick commented “The Champion is a true limousin for the breed, she has an easy fleshing style and modern shape. She is definitely an all-round show animal.”

Standing as the Reserve Overall Limousin Champion, having also taken the Reserve Female Champion title and no stranger to the Balmoral show lawns where she had great success in 2016, was November 2013 born Glenrock Inclusive with her heifer calf at foot Derriaghy Tinkerbell, born February 2022. Inclusive is sired by the Nenuphar son Bremore Artist and out of the renowned dam Glenrock Spangles. She was exhibited by D G Green and Sons, Lisburn, Co Antrim who purchased her for 14,000gns at the Glenrock Herd sale in Carlisle, August 2014.

Overall Junior Champion and Junior Heifer Champion was Charlotte’s Sapphire bred and exhibited by Charlotte Martin, Dromore, Co Down who was exhibiting for the first time at Balmoral show. Born April 2021, Sapphire is by Elite Forever Brill who was bred by Dan Tyan of the Irish Limousin herd Ardlea and out of the dam Roundhill Kmelodie bred by Doreen Corrigan of the Roundhill Irish Limousin herd. The judge commented, “She is only 13 months old and her power is immense. She has great volume and shape with a great head. I’m sure she will go on to make a tremendous cow.”

Drumhilla Superstar bred and exhibited by Gareth Corrie, Newtownards took the Male Champion, Reserve Overall Junior Champion and Junior Bull Champion titles. Born April 2021 Superstar is sired by Gareth’s stock bull Ampertaine Majestic and out of the 15,000gns Glenrock Northernstar. He is a full brother to the 9,000gns Drumhilla Rambo who was Reserve Intermediate Champion at last year’s October bull sale in Carlisle. Superstar won the N.I. Limousin Cattle Club’s 2022 Rising Stars Calf Spectacular in March and is now destined for further showing throughout the summer and will be aimed for the sales later in the year.
Reserve Male Champion and Reserve Junior Bull Champion was Nugent Supreme bred by Charles Beverland, Nugent Estate, Portaferry, Co Down. Born March 2021, Supreme is sired by the 35,000gns Ampertaine Majestic and out of the dam Grahams Overlynice who is herself backed by show winning genetics as her dam, the Vantastic sired Millbrook Gingerspice, is a triple winner of Balmoral show. Overlynice was purchased by Nugent Estates for 8,000gns in Carlisle, May 2019.
Reserve Junior Heifer Champion was Ronick Sopretty exhibited by Trevor Shields, Kilkeel, Co Down. Born April 2021, Sopretty is by Westpit Nando who was purchased privately by the Ronick herd for an undisclosed five-figure price and out of the dam Ronick Maho purchased by Trevor Shields for 7,800gns at the Ronick production sale on 31 July 2021.
The Limousin Pairs title went to two Jalex heifers, Riri who took home the Overall Limousin Championship title and Resta, born September 2020, also a daughter of Trueman Natkingcole and out of the dam Haltcliffe Hesta, an Ampertaine Elgin daughter who was purchased by James for 5,500gns in June 2014. Mr Alexander intends on taking Jalex Riri and Jalex Resta to the 50th Anniversary Sale in Ballymena on the 20th August 2022.

The Group of Three and Herbert Lusby Memorial Perpetual Challenge Cup was won by Crawford Brothers, Maugiresbridge, Co Fermanagh and included Haltcliffe Nijinsky, a February 2017 son of Ampertaine Elgin, Larkhill India, a June 2013 daughter of Ampertaine Elgin and Rathkeeland Phoenix, a February 2019 daughter of Culnagechan Lazio.
Over the following three days and going head to head with the best in show from native and other continental breeds, numerous interbreed titles came the Limousin way.

Champion Interbreed Performance bull, continental breed, born on or after 1st Jan 2021
Champion: Pointhouse Sumball, an April 2021 born Goldies Jackpot son from Michael & Kile Diamond, Garvagh, Co Derry
Exhibitor Bred pairs
Runners up: Ballyrickard Rachel, a September 2020 born Foxhillfarm Lordofthering daughter and Ballyrickard Rose, a May 2020 born Gleneagle Icon daughter from Ian Davidson and Son, Larne, Co Antrim.
Champion and Reserve Champion beef breed continental pair
Champion: Charlotte’s Sapphire
Reserve Champion: Drumhilla Superstar
Overall Junior Beef Champion of Champions
Champion: Charlotte’s Sapphire
Overall beef breed Champion of Champions
2nd Reserve Champion: Jalex Riri

Best group in the beef group competition, continental breed
Champions: Jalex Riri, Jalex Resta and Drumhilla Superstar

Best team in the beef team competition, continental breed
Champions: Drumhilla Superstar, Charlotte’s Sapphire, Derriaghy Rosie, Jalex Riri and Jalex Resta
Well done to all Limousin exhibitors for the outstanding results at Balmoral Show 2022!
Commercial Results
It was also a great day for the Limousin breed as Limousin sired cattle reigned Overall and Reserve Overall Champions in the Commercial Classes judged by Dafydd Lewis, Wales.

JCB commercials won Overall Commercial Champion with a black March 2021 born crossbred Limousin heifer sired by Mereside Lorenzo. She was purchased in November 2021 at the Carrick-on-Shannon Fatstock Show and Sale for 4,000 euros and was bred by Cork Limousin breeder, Noel Sweeney.
Overall Reserve Commercial Champion went to Duffton, Small and Wilkinson with a February 2021 born Limousin heifer. This heifer is no stranger to the show ring, sired by Ampertaine Elgin, she was purchased in November 2021 at the Carrick-on-Shannon Fatstock Show and Sale for a record breaking price of 18,000 euros. This heifer was bred by Co. Laois breeders, Jack and Sean Ramsbottom.
Class 665 Heifer born on or after 1st April 2021
1st 123 Charlotte’s Sapphire – Charlotte’s Limousins
2nd 122 Ronick Sopretty – Trevor Shields
3rd 125 Lesters Sarahjane – David Lester
Class 666 Heifer, born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2021
1st 127 Glenmarshal Spice – Trevor Shields
2nd 128 Boleyn Sasha – Michael Savage
3rd 130 Deerpark Saffron – C & R Mulholland
Champion Junior Heifer
123 Charlotte’s Sapphire
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer
122 Ronick Sopretty
Class 667 Heifer, in calf or maiden, born on or between 1st July and 31st December 2020
1st 134 Jalex Resta – James Alexander
2nd 136 Derriaghy Rosie – D G Green & Sons
3rd 133 Ballyrickard Rachel – Ian Davidson & Son
4th 135 Lynderg Renee – Trevor Shields
Class 668 Heifer, in calf, born on or between 1st October 2019 and 30th June 2020 and due to calve before attaining the age of 39 months
1st 141 Jalex Riri – James Alexander
2nd 140 Ballyrickard Rose – Ian Davidson & Son
3rd 139 Tweeddale Redhot – Trevor Shields
4th 138 Scorboro Reggae – Crawford Brothers
Class 669 Cow or Heifer, in calf or with calf at foot, born on or between 1st January 2019 and 31st September 2019 and due to calve or have calved her first calf before attaining the age of 39 months
1st 143 Rathkeeland Phoenix – Crawford Brothers
2nd 142 Ronick Pizazz – Trevor Shields
3rd 144 Trueman Pixie – Trevor Shields
Class 670 Cow, born on or before 31st December 2018, in calf or having produced a calf during the 12 months prior to the opening of the show
1st 147 Glenrock Inclusive- D G Green & Sons
2nd 146 Larkhill India – Crawford Brothers
3rd 145 Scorboro Goya – Crawford Brothers
Female Champion
141 Jalex Riri
Reserve Female Champion
147 Glenrock Inclusive
Class 671 Bull, born on or after 1st April 2021
1st 152 Drumhilla Superstar – Drumhilla Limousin
2nd 158 Glenmarshal Snapper – Trevor Shields
3rd 151 Charlotte’s Samson – Charlotte’s Limousins
4th 148 Pointhouse Sumbull – Michael & Kile Diamond
Class 672 Bull born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2021
1st 161 Nugent Supreme- Charles Beverland
2nd 162 Deerpark Superstar- C & R Mulholland
3rd 160 Deerpark Saturn – C & R Mulholland
4th 163 Draperhill Sammy – Rodgers Livestock
Champion Junior Bull
152 Drumhilla Superstar
Reserve Champion Junior Bull
161 Nugent Supreme
Junior Breed Champion
123 Charlotte’s Sapphire
Reserve Junior Breed Champion
152 Drumhilla Superstar
Class 675 Bull, born before 1st July 2019
1st 166 Haltcliffe Nijinsky – Crawford Brothers
Male Champion
152 Drumhilla Superstar
Reserve Male Champion
161 Nugent Supreme
Group of Three
1st Crawford Brothers
2nd C & R Mulholland
Best Exhibitor Pair
1st James Alexander
2nd C & R Mulholland
Overall Champion
141 Jalex Riri – James Alexander
Reserve Overall Champion
147 Glenrock Inclusive – D G Green & Sons