LIVE from a sunny Royal Welsh ….
Well the sun is out here at Builth Wells with a good crowd already around the ring to watch as the Limousin Judging at the...
Ironstone Dumandy defends her Title at RWAS 2012
Ironstone Dumandy defends her title and wins Overall Supreme Interbreed Champion at the 2012 Royal Welsh Show. A remarkable achievement – all congratulations to...
Are you the South West Young Beef Farmer of the Year...
As part of plans for the Beef South West event later in the year, NBA SW is looking for beef producers under 30 years...
REMINDER *** Scottish Club Herd Visit to North West Region 19th...
Any Club members are welcome to join the Herd visits, here are the dates and approximate times, as you can imagine it is not...
Great Yorkshire Show 2012
A few informal shots from the Great Yorkshire can be seen below:
South Western Limousin Cattle Breeders Club Summer Newsletter
The South Western Limousin Cattle Breeders Club Summer Newsletter is now available. Please click on the following:
SW Newsletter Summer 2012
Limousins Dominate & Win:
Interbreed Team of Four
Interbreed Pair
Junior Interbreed Team of Four
Individual Junior Interbreed
Commercial Champion & Reserve
Beef Ribs Champion & Reserve both Limousin-sired
The inglorious...
Sale grosses £492,030
Six animals at five figures
A further fourteen make 5,000gns or more
Frozen embryos to 2,600gns
Recipient cows carrying pedigree embryos to 5,200gns
The British Limousin...
North West Limousin Breeders Club Open Stockjudging
The North West Limousin Breeders Club Open Stockjudging is being held on Sunday 19th August by kind permission of Procters Farm Ltd at Procters...