North East Limousin Club Sale – Saturday 21st May 2022

Darlington Farmers Auction were delighted to carry out a club sale of 26 Pedigree Cattle on the instruction of the North East Limousin Breeders Club on Saturday 21st May 2022. Also forward...

Carlisle June 2022 catalogue out now!

Please click on the link below to access the catalogue:

£4,200 achieved for the Killerton and Nealford Herds at the South West Limousin May Show...

Supreme Championship was awarded to Mr & Mrs PW & SM Greed with Killerton Soliver, born February 2021 and sired by Goldies Jeff and out of Killerton...

🖥 Taurus database is down for maintenance 🖥

The Taurus database is currently down for maintenance until approximately 10pm tonight. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience.

Graiggoch Rambo Smashes Pedigree Limousin Bull World Record at 180,000gns

Bull clearance rate 90% Bull sale average £10,651 - 23 senior bulls average £8,861- 38 intermediate bulls averaged £13,188- 23 junior bulls averaged...

17,000gns Twemlows Rebel Smashes Brecon Pedigree Limousin Bull Record

Top price bull 17,000gnsAverage price for bulls £4,381Bull clearance rate 85%Six bulls exceed 5,000gns On Saturday the 14th of May 2022, all roads lead to Brecon Livestock Market...


The 2022 summer show season kicked off in spectacular style at the 153rd RUAS Balmoral Show on Wednesday 11 May.  Day one of the show saw the Limousin judging in front of...

Co. Durham bull hits 5,800gns top price at big Craven Limousin Day showcase

A near 90% clearance rate for 81 head forward, solid trade for ready to work bulls, which topped the day at 5,800gns (£6,090), and strong demand for females, which peaked at 5,200gns...

Barrons herd reigns supreme again as NLE makes welcome return

After a break of two years the Northern Limousin Extravaganza (NLE) made a welcome return to again feature on the opening day of Skipton Auction Mart’s big annual two-day breed showcase. (Tuesday...

North East Club Sale Darlington 21st May 2022

Please see the catalogue below: Limi-Catalogue-May-2022Download