South East Limousin Club Annual Report 2012


What a year for the South East Region, firstly at our AGM we welcomed our new secretary Miss Heather Graham, currently studying for a degree in Animal Science at Hartbury College, Gloucester.

During the summer, our South East members exhibited at the local county shows promoting the Limousin qualities to the commercial farmers within our region and will go on to do so at the Fatstock shows.

In July of this year, the Miscombe Herd belonging to Buriton Estate was dispersed at Newark Market, with a top price of 12,000gns. The cows and calves averaged over £6,000 and the 115 lots grossed £95 short of half a million. The herd was managed by our Club Chairman John Reynolds and his wife Mary, our South East region Council Member.

In August, the commercial and pedigree herd competitions were judged by Mr John Wilson and Mr John Blanchard respectively, both judges being impressed by the quality of cattle presented to them.

Mid-October saw our annual farm walk and award presentation day kindly hosted this year by Mr & Mrs Jonathon Stacy of the Castlethorpe Herd where we all enjoyed a memorable day out in what has been a very wet year.

May next year bring us all a drier year!

Best wishes to all,

Mary Reynolds