Corrie Open Day August 2009

A huge crowd of around 3,500 people attended the Northern Ireland Limousin Club Open Day held on 22ndAugust 2009 at the Corrie Family Farms situated on the Ards Peninsula,CountyDown. The theme of the day was...

2009 NI Club Open Day

FANTASTIC TURNOUT AT LIMOUSIN OPEN DAY   A huge crowd of around 3,500 people attended the Northern Ireland Limousin Club Open Day held on 22nd August 2009 at the Corrie Family Farms situated on the Ards...

2009 NI Commercial Cattle Show

LIMOUSINS SWEEP THE BOARDS AT NI COMMERCIAL CATTLE SHOW   The Northern Ireland Commercial Cattle Exhibitors’ Club saw a Limousin One-Two at its 5th Annual Show which took place at the Pedigree Sales Arena, Moira on...

2009 All-Ireland Derby

MILBROOK & CARRICKALDREEN ANIMALS WIN ALL-IRELAND DERBY A tremendous showcase of Limousin cattle from both Northern and Southern Ireland was presented at the All-Ireland Bull & Heifer Derby held at Clogher Show on Wednesday 29th...

Limousin Young Breeders’ Stockjuding at 2009 Royal Show

Kindly sponsored by The Saskatoon Colostrum Company A good turnout of Limousin Young Breeders competed for a total prize fund of £2,800 at the annual Young Limousin Breeders’ Stockjudging Championships held at the Royal Show...

Smiths of Bloxham Open Day : 4th July 2009

BLCS Open Day held at Smiths of Bloxham Ironstone Limousins on Saturday 4th July 2009.

NI Limousin Club Open Day 22nd August 2009

N I LIMOUSIN CLUB OPEN DAY 22nd AUGUST 2009 “From Birth to Plate” AT THE CORRIE FAMILY, DRUMILLA FARMS The Corrie Family Enterprise has its base on the Family Farms situated on the Ards Peninsula, not far...

‘High Performance’ Limousins The All-Round Beef Breed at Cwmbromley

The family behind a farming business that has been buying Limousin bulls for many years believes the breed cannot be beaten. Ted and Merle Davies, and their son, Wayne, run their Limmy bulls with...

2009 NI Stockjudging Event

Limousin Club Stockjudging Event Teams for 2009 chosen at Greenmount The Annual Northern Ireland Limousin Club Stockjudging Event, held this year at Abbey Farm, Greenmount, courtesy of CAFRE and with enormous help from Farm Manager Victor...

Northern Limousin Extravaganza : May 2009

Brontemoor Limousins take Supreme Championship at Skipton Pedigree Event Noted West Yorkshire Limousin breeder Steven Priestley added to his trophy cabinet yet again when presenting the Supreme Champion at Skipton Auction Mart’s annual show and...