Brecon November Sale Catalogue

The BLCS Society sale is to held on Saturday 14th November at Brecon Livestock Market. To view the official catalogue click below Brecon Limousin Catalogue 14 11 20 **IMPORTANT CHANGES TO CALALOGUE** IMPORTANT NOTICE TO VENDORS GLANGWDEN HERD CL &...


Hexham Mart "Bellingham" Suckled Calf Sale October 15th 2020 When using Limousin, the returns are sweet, here the proof is in the pudding. At the BLCS sponsored Hexham & Northern Mart sale on Friday 15th...

Allanfauld Leading Solid Commercial Trade at Stirling

Sale Report – Stirling Bull Sale Oct 2020 Allanfauld Leading Solid Commercial Trade at Stirling 33 bulls sold Top price of 9500 gns 72% clearance Average £4652 In a weekend of sound trading in tricky covid-related circumstances, demand for the...

Scottish Club Herd Competition Results

⭐️ 2020 Herd Competition ⭐️ We would firstly like to thank our judge Richard Bartle of Dinmore & Absolute herds & his designated driving Gareth Lee of the Calogale Limousins & Beef Semen-Sales for taking...

Carlisle Limousin Pack a Punch

Carlisle Limousin Pack a Punch With six bulls selling for five figures sums and a further 27 reaching 5,000gns and above, the 61 bulls sold at the Limousin Carlisle Autumn bull sale on Saturday 17...

Dunagnnon October Sale

The BLCS Society sale is held on Friday 30th October at Dungannon Livestock Market. To view the official catalogue click below 219931 Dungannon Catalogue Oct 20 Booklet **IMPORTANT UPDATES TO CATALOGUE** Dungannon Oct 2020 Vendor Index Amendment


BRITISH LIMOUSIN CATTLE SOCIETY GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY The British Limousin Cattle Society would like to notify all members that, due to the uncertainly of the effect that Covid-19 may have on events next year, the 50th...


NEW OFFICE BEARERS FOR BRITISH LIMOUSIN Chairman - Harry Parker Vice Chairman - Jonathan Watson President - Craig Ridley Wiltshire Limousin breeder Harry Parker of Home Farm, Stourton, Warminster has been elected Chairman of the British Limousin Cattle...

Hexham & Northern Marts Special Annual Prize Show and Sale

  Hexham & Northern Marts held their Special Annual Prize Show and Sale of Limousin cross store cattle.  Hexham & Northern Marts held their Special Annual Prize Show and Sale of Limousin cross store cattle which...

The East Midlands British Limousin Breeders Club Report

The East Midlands British Limousin Breeders Club Report Joint Auctioneers Darlington Farmers Auction Mart and Melton Mowbray Market held ‘The East Midlands British Limousin Breeders Club’ sale on Saturday 10th October 2020 at Melton...