Laura’s Lean Beef

Here we feature the Laura's Lean Beef company, a branded beef programme (based on Limousin) with over 6,700 stores in 47 US states. The...

Limousin – Meeting the Demands of the Marketplace

LIMOUSIN - MEETING THE DEMANDS OF THE MARKETPLACE   A Northumberland family which credits the Limousin with helping them to meet the demands of today’s customers...

Blounts Dispersal Sale : May 2010

Blounts Dispersal Tops at 8,500gns A bid of 8,500gns for the pedigree Limousin heifer, Blounts Dollybird, topped the recent Dispersal Sale of the Blounts Herd...

NI Limousin Young Breeders Stockjudging Event at Greenmount

Limousin Young Breeders Stockjudging Event At Greenmount The N.I. Limousin Club always attentive of its need to assist its rising generation in the assessment and...

Northern Limousin Extravaganza May 2010

Commercial youngster champion at Northern Limousin Extravaganza   The commercial champion got the nod over the pedigree champion in the battle for supreme honours at the...

28 Bulls average £3,404 Newark 17th April 2010

Cockleshell Heifer tops Newark Club Sale at 6,000gns  28 Bulls average £3,404 Sale Grosses £780,000 A catalogued entry of 621 pedigree and commercial cattle saw a top...

Hitting Premium Prices at Chapel Farm, Magor

Commercial herd feature on Ben and Len Attewell A father and son team with a commercial suckler herd in South Wales relies on the Limousinto...

Burnbank pedigree Limousin herd to be a big part of 2010...

Mains of Burnbank, Blair Drummond, Stirling, June 2nd Feature on the Graham family, Dougie and Lynda, and sons John and James Most farmers eagerly await a...

Limousins at Levens Hall Estate

Commercial herd feature on Stephen Lord While understanding the breeding in a bull’s pedigree is a top priority for all breeders looking for new herd...

Messrs Dodd take Championship One-Two at Carlisle Primestock Event

Messrs Dodd take Championship One-Two at Carlisle Primestock Event On Monday, 29th March 2010 the North West Limousin Cattle Breeders’ Association held their Annual Open...

Gisburn Limousin Sired Primestock Show

Gisburn Limousin Sired Primestock Show The inaugural Primestock Show & Sale held at Gisburn Auction Mart on Thursday, 25th March 2010 saw the Limousin-sired Champion...

Limousin One-Two at Kirkby Classic

Limousin One-Two at Kirkby Classic On Monday 8th March Harrison & Hetherington Ltd held their first Kirkby Classic Show & Sale of potential show cattle...

Limousin Champion Sets Bentham Market Record March 2010

Limousin Champion Sets Bentham Market Record Bentham Auction saw a new centre record price for Store Cattle of £2,120 achieved at the Great Annual March...

Superior Beef Production Pinpointed Through Gene Discovery

Dr W S Pitchford Myostatin Report

Peak Herd Reduction Sale February 2010

Pedigree Limousin In-Calf Cows “Peak” at 4,200gns A Major Reduction Sale of the Peak Herd on behalf of Bob and Mary Furness, Peak Forest held...

Ballymena 23rd January 2010

LIMOUSIN FEMALES PEAK AT 2,250 GNS AT BALLYMENA 70% clearance Top price Archies Buttercup 2,250gns 40 females average £1,207 A Limousin cow and calf unit from Messrs McKenna...

BCMS Figures for 2009

BRITISH LIMOUSIN CONFIRMED AS THE UK'S NO. 1 BEEF BREED BCMS figures show British Limousin as the leading numerical beef breed for the 14th...

Scottish Club Report 2009

Scottish Limousin Club 2009 Scottish Limousin Club Herd Competition JUDGES - ERIC AND JOYCE GETHIN SMALL HERD 1. KINNAHAIRD (Mr J P CLARK) 2. WINDSOLE (Mr W LAWSON) =3. ALAGILS...

East Midlands Regional Club Report 2009

2009 Club Report The East Midlands Club has had another successful year with its mix of sales, talks, herd competition, herd visit and annual dinner....

East of England Winter Stock Festival 2009

East of England Winter Stock Festival 2009 Expands to Two Day Event With the intention of building on the strength of last year’s inaugural event,...