Melton Mowbray – Catalogue OUT NOW

MELTON MOWBRAY – CATALOGUE OUT NOW Please click on the link below to download the catalogue: Limousin Catalogue Melton April 2022Download

Drumhilla Superstar crowned the Limousin 2022 “Rising Star”

Saturday 12th March saw the return of the NI Limousin Cattle Club & NI Young Limousin Breeders “Rising Stars” show, with breeders enthusiastic to return to the show ring after a long...

Member Statement

Dear Society Member, Further to our statement to members dated 11 January 2022, regarding the official review of theSociety carried out by Defra in respect of a batch of...

Westpit Rocknrolla takes centre stage at Aberdeen and Northern Marts

13 Bulls Averaged £4434Bull clearance rate 81%Females top price 2,900gnsFemales Average £2,459Female clearance rate of 100% On the Wednesday 2nd March 16 bulls and six females travelled...


A top call of £5,350 was among a number of highlights at McCartneys’ sale of show potential calves at Brecon on Saturday 12th February - a sale which yet again saw Limousin-sired...

Thainstone March Catalogue Out Now !!

Please click on the link below to view the catalogue: Thainstone Catalogue March 2022Download


Buyers travelled from all over Northern Ireland on Valentine’s Day to choose their favourite at the British Limousin Cattle Society’s February show and sale in Dungannon Farmers Market.  From the 37 bulls...

Time for Pabo Rolex to top the trade

Twenty bulls made over 10,000gns 90 bulls average £7,895 Bull clearance rate of 77% Females top price 5,8000gns

Melton Mowbray April Sale Entries Open

Melton Mowbray bull and female sale is set to take place on 9th April 2022. Entries are open and can be placed via Taurus or by phoning the...